Traumatic events & post-traumatic symptoms in anorexia nervosa Traumatic events & post-traumatic symptoms in anorexia nervosa
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children witnessing domestic violence: A systematic review Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children witnessing domestic violence: A systematic review
Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: An overview Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: An overview
The ruralness of domestic & intimate partner violence: Prevalence, provider knowledge gaps, & healthcare costs The ruralness of domestic & intimate partner violence: Prevalence, provider knowledge gaps, & healthcare costs
The intersections of domestic violence & human trafficking The intersections of domestic violence & human trafficking
Recommendations for suicide prevention hotlines on responding to intimate partner violence Recommendations for suicide prevention hotlines on responding to intimate partner violence
Intimate partner violence: A group cognitive-behavioral therapy model Intimate partner violence: A group cognitive-behavioral therapy model
Integrating intimate partner violence assessment & intervention in the United States: A systems approach Integrating intimate partner violence assessment & intervention in the United States: A systems approach
Eating disorders, trauma, PTSD, & psychosocial resources Eating disorders, trauma, PTSD, & psychosocial resources