Couple therapy for intimate partner violence: A systematic review & meta-analysis Couple therapy for intimate partner violence: A systematic review & meta-analysis
Counseling services for domestic violence survivors: A review of the empirical evidence Counseling services for domestic violence survivors: A review of the empirical evidence
Coercion related to mental health & substance use in the context of intimate partner violence Coercion related to mental health & substance use in the context of intimate partner violence
A systematic review on the relationship between antisocial, borderline, & narcissistic personality disorder diagnostic traits & risk of violence to others in a clinical & forensic sample A systematic review on the relationship between antisocial, borderline, & narcissistic personality disorder diagnostic traits & risk of violence to others in a clinical & forensic sample
“I just keep my antennae out”: How rural primary care physicians respond to intimate partner violence (IPV) “I just keep my antennae out”: How rural primary care physicians respond to intimate partner violence (IPV)
The role of PTSD in bi-directional intimate partner violence in military & veteran populations: A research review The role of PTSD in bi-directional intimate partner violence in military & veteran populations: A research review
The impact of witnessing domestic violence on children: A systematic review The impact of witnessing domestic violence on children: A systematic review
The impact of domestic violence on immigrant women The impact of domestic violence on immigrant women
The effects of child abuse & exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing & externalizing behavior problems The effects of child abuse & exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing & externalizing behavior problems
Teen dating violence: How peers can affect risk & protective factors Teen dating violence: How peers can affect risk & protective factors