Greater Newburyport Domestic Violence High Risk Team Greater Newburyport Domestic Violence High Risk Team
Exploring the links between components of coordinated community responses & their impact on contact with intimate partner violence services Exploring the links between components of coordinated community responses & their impact on contact with intimate partner violence services
Enhancing coordinated community responses to reduce recidivism in cases of domestic violence Enhancing coordinated community responses to reduce recidivism in cases of domestic violence
Community Policing & Family Violence Against Women: Lessons Learned from a Multiagency Collaborative Community Policing & Family Violence Against Women: Lessons Learned from a Multiagency Collaborative
Collaborative Effort & the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Training Toward Resolving Domestic Violence Collaborative Effort & the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Training Toward Resolving Domestic Violence
Citations & Convictions: One Community’s Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence & Efforts toward Offender Accountability Citations & Convictions: One Community’s Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence & Efforts toward Offender Accountability
Building Evidence for Domestic Violence Services & Interventions Building Evidence for Domestic Violence Services & Interventions