Opioid Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities Opioid Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities
Opiod Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities Opiod Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities
Thinking about the opioid epidemic in the context of trauma & domestic violence: Framing the issues Thinking about the opioid epidemic in the context of trauma & domestic violence: Framing the issues
Coercion related to mental health & substance use in the context of intimate partner violence Coercion related to mental health & substance use in the context of intimate partner violence
“You can’t believe a word she says!”: Credibility issues for survivors of violence with mental health & substance abuse histories “You can’t believe a word she says!”: Credibility issues for survivors of violence with mental health & substance abuse histories
Domestic homicide risk factors: Rural & urban considerations Domestic homicide risk factors: Rural & urban considerations