Recognizing, treating, & preventing trauma in LGBTQ youth Recognizing, treating, & preventing trauma in LGBTQ youth
Recent developments: Domestic violence in the digital age: Towards the creation of a comprehensive cyberstalking statute Recent developments: Domestic violence in the digital age: Towards the creation of a comprehensive cyberstalking statute
Psychological impact of stalking on male & female health care professional victims of stalking & domestic violence Psychological impact of stalking on male & female health care professional victims of stalking & domestic violence
Dating violence experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth Dating violence experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth
A stalker’s paradise: How intimate partner abusers exploit technology A stalker’s paradise: How intimate partner abusers exploit technology
A campus LGBTQ community’s sexual violence & stalking expriences: The contribution of a pro-abuse peer support A campus LGBTQ community’s sexual violence & stalking expriences: The contribution of a pro-abuse peer support
“What kind of abuse is him spitting in my food?”: Reflections on the similarities between disability hate crime, so-called ‘mate’ crime, & domestic violence against women with intellectual disabilities “What kind of abuse is him spitting in my food?”: Reflections on the similarities between disability hate crime, so-called ‘mate’ crime, & domestic violence against women with intellectual disabilities