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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Traumatic events & post-traumatic symptoms in anorexia nervosa
This study assesses the prevalence of traumatic events in the two subtypes of anorexia nervosa, as well as investigates the differences in clusters of post-traumatic symptoms and emotional dysregulation between the two groups (2019).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Immigration Awareness Month
The ruralness of domestic & intimate partner violence: Prevalence, provider knowledge gaps, & healthcare costs
This study compares rates of domestic violence among rural and non-rural areas.Additionally, it looks at gaps in provider knowledge and how that negatively impacts victims and survivors (2018).
Academic Article Burnout, CCR, LGBTQ+
The influence of abuse & trauma on eating disorders
This article examines the relationship between childhood abuse and eating disorders. Treatment for someone who has an eating disorder and is also a survivor of abuse must take all issues into account (2020).
Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Campus Safety Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month
Obstetric violence
This website offers a graphic detailing the intersection of institutional violence and violence against women, as it pertains to obstetric violence. The site also details patterns of obstetric violence, and statistics from several countries (2014).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Body Cams, Burnout, Mental Health
Integrating intimate partner violence assessment & intervention in the United States: A systems approach
This article details a systems approach to the implementation of intimate partner violence screening and counseling. The paper focuses on integrated health and advocacy service delivery to support identification and interventions (2015).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, CCR, Stalking
Eating disorders, trauma, PTSD, & psychosocial resources
This study examines the frequency of traumatic events and comorbid PTSD in women with eating disorders. Additionally, the role of psychosocial resources is analyzed within the context of trauma and eating disorders (2015).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Immigration Awareness Month
“I just keep my antennae out”: How rural primary care physicians respond to intimate partner violence (IPV)
This study assesses the opinions and practices of primary care physicians caring for rural women with regard to IPV identification. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with family practitioners and Ob-Gyns in rural, central Pennsylvania, and were analyzed for major themes (2015).
Academic Article Burnout, CCR, LGBTQ+
“Assault and battery” in the delivery room: The disturbing trend of obstetric violence
This article discusses the unnecessary, violent procedures used during childbirth, resulting in decreased agency for patients and the delivery of lower-quality care (2018).
Article Animal Abuse, Body Cams, Burnout, Mental Health
“It felt like I had been violated”: How obstetric violence can traumatize patients
This article discusses the trauma that comes after obstetric violence. These violence deliveries are, in part, driven by a legal environment that pushes physicians to conduct unnecessary interventions and make decisions that disregard the mother's desires (2019).
Article Animal Abuse, Body Cams, Burnout, Mental Health