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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Traumatic events & post-traumatic symptoms in anorexia nervosa
This study assesses the prevalence of traumatic events in the two subtypes of anorexia nervosa, as well as investigates the differences in clusters of post-traumatic symptoms and emotional dysregulation between the two groups (2019).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Immigration Awareness Month
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children witnessing domestic violence: A systematic review
This review focuses on the effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to reduce PTSD symptoms in children. The study describes the limitations and recommendations for future research on these methods (2016).
Academic Article Children, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Victims
Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: An overview
This paper presents various therapeutic interventions for women experiencing intimate partner violence, as well as treatments for perpetrators (2016).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
The ruralness of domestic & intimate partner violence: Prevalence, provider knowledge gaps, & healthcare costs
This study compares rates of domestic violence among rural and non-rural areas.Additionally, it looks at gaps in provider knowledge and how that negatively impacts victims and survivors (2018).
Academic Article Burnout, CCR, LGBTQ+
The intersections of domestic violence & human trafficking
This article discusses the overlap between domestic violence and human trafficking (2017).
Academic Article DV, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Victims
Suicide & intimate partner violence
This article discusses the close link between intimate partner violence and suicide. IPV survivors are twice as likely to attempt suicide multiple times, and cases of murder-suicide most likely occur in the context of abusive relationships (2014).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month, Stalking
Recommendations for suicide prevention hotlines on responding to intimate partner violence
This document provides recommendations for suicide prevention hotlines on how to prepare their organizations to respond to IPV, and practical suggestions and tools for crisis line staff on screening, risk assessment, safety planning, and referral for callers who are experiencing IPV (2018).
Academic Article Advocacy, DV, Mental Health, Victims
Intimate partner violence: A group cognitive-behavioral therapy model
This research study focuses on a treatment program that may be useful for victims of IPV that have already left the dangerous environment (2012).
Academic Article DV, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change, Victims
Integrating intimate partner violence assessment & intervention in the United States: A systems approach
This article details a systems approach to the implementation of intimate partner violence screening and counseling. The paper focuses on integrated health and advocacy service delivery to support identification and interventions (2015).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, CCR, Stalking
Eating disorders, trauma, PTSD, & psychosocial resources
This study examines the frequency of traumatic events and comorbid PTSD in women with eating disorders. Additionally, the role of psychosocial resources is analyzed within the context of trauma and eating disorders (2015).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Immigration Awareness Month
Couple therapy for intimate partner violence: A systematic review & meta-analysis
This review compiles the results of six studies to determine the effectiveness of couple therapy as a treatment for violence (2016).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
Counseling services for domestic violence survivors: A review of the empirical evidence
This research summary examines domestic violence program effectiveness across the country, and provides the opportunity for other DV programs to secure continued support for proven programs and practices (2013).
Academic Article Advocacy, DV, Victims
Coercion related to mental health & substance use in the context of intimate partner violence
This toolkit provides trauma-informed guidance on integrating questions about mental health and substance use coercion into routine mental health and substance use histories and into in-depth IPV assessments in primary care and behavioral health settings (2018).
Academic Article Alcohol/Drugs, DV, Mental Health, Victims
A systematic review on the relationship between antisocial, borderline, & narcissistic personality disorder diagnostic traits & risk of violence to others in a clinical & forensic sample
This study details the research provided on personality disorders and their relationship to violence. However, most research has solely focused on personality disorder diagnoses, and has ignored the correlation with violence. This paper outlines the necessity to combine the two methodologies in order to conduct better risk assessments (2016).
Academic Article Immigration Awareness Month, Stalking
“I just keep my antennae out”: How rural primary care physicians respond to intimate partner violence (IPV)
This study assesses the opinions and practices of primary care physicians caring for rural women with regard to IPV identification. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with family practitioners and Ob-Gyns in rural, central Pennsylvania, and were analyzed for major themes (2015).
Academic Article Burnout, CCR, LGBTQ+
The role of PTSD in bi-directional intimate partner violence in military & veteran populations: A research review
The authors seek to provide a review of literature to disentangle what is known about bi-directional IPV patterns in military and veteran populations (2017).
Academic Article DV, Mental Health, Military, Victims
The impact of witnessing domestic violence on children: A systematic review
This paper examines the various themes centered on the impacts of witnessing domestic violence on children, including emotional systems, internalizing behaviors, and cognitive dysregulation (2017).
Academic Article Children, DV, Neurobiology
The impact of domestic violence on immigrant women
This article focuses on Hispanic and Latino immigrant populations, and the barriers they face in domestic violence disputes, including language differences, financial dependence, and social isolation (2018).
Academic Article Cultural Issues, DV, Immigration, Legislation, Victims
The effects of child abuse & exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing & externalizing behavior problems
This study analyzes the effects of child abuse and domestic violence exposure in childhood on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behaviors (2010).
Academic Article Children, DV, Neurobiology
Teen dating violence: How peers can affect risk & protective factors
This research brief examines peers and the extent to which they can contribute to their risk for and protection against dating violence (2014).
Academic Article Body Cams, Expert Witnesses, Homicide, Victims
Sex trafficking & rural communities: A review of the literature
This literature review examines recent studies on rural human trafficking, and provides recommendations and implications for future research, policy, and practice (2017).
Academic Article Advocacy, Human Trafficking, Rural
Non-fatal strangulation is an important risk factor for homicide of women
This research article examines non-fatal strangulation as a risk factor for major assault or homicide of women, with results showing an increased risk for both assault and homicide if the woman experienced non-fatal strangulation previously (2008).
Academic Article DV, DV Awareness Month, Strangulation
Must be 18 or older: How current domestic violence policies dismiss teen dating violence
This article argues that the current juvenile justice system needs to deal with teen abusers by recognizing the causes of dating violence and ending that behavior before they reach adulthood (2015).
Academic Article Legislation, Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Mental health consequences of intimate partner abuse
This research examines four different types of abuse and the mental health ramifications of each form, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety (2008).
Academic Article DV, Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month
Intimate partner violence in rural low-income families: Correlates & change in prevalence over the first 5 years of a child’s life
This paper examines the prevalence, severity, and chronicity of IPV occurring in a high-risk sample (2016).
Academic Article Children, DV, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural
Evaluation of DELTA PREP: A project aimed at integrating primary prevention of intimate partner violence within state domestic violence coalitions
This project aims at examining 19 state domestic violence coalitions, and what kind of impact and progress they made in their communities (2015).
Academic Article Bystanders, DV, Sexual Assault
Elder abuse: An approach to identification, assessment, & intervention
This review examines the risk factors for elder abuse, as well as recommendations for physician intervention (2015).
Academic Article Elder Abuse Awareness Month, Expert Witnesses
Domestic assault by strangulation & recantation of victims in the criminal court system
This survey was designed to determine what causes victims to recant in non-fatal domestic assault by strangulation cases, and how criminal conviction can be secured in the context of strangulation without pressuring the victim to testify (2016).
Academic Article Judges, Juries, Strangulation, Systemic Change, Victims
Dating violence experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth
This paper examines physical, psychological, sexual, and technological dating violence experiences among LGBTQ+ youth as compared to heterosexual youth.
Academic Article DV, LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Technology, Teen Dating Violence
Current research on batterer intervention programs and implications for policy
This paper reviews existing research of BIPP programs and examines what causes IPV and how its reflected in models and curriculum. 
Academic Article DV, Offender Accountability, Offenders
Child-witnessed domestic violence & its adverse effects on brain development: A call for societal self-examination & awareness
This research discusses the psychosocially induced biological alterations that are related to maladaptation in the context of child-witnessed DV. The authors provide evidence for these physical alterations to the brain (2014).
Academic Article Children, DV, Neurobiology
Addressing intimate partner violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender patients
This article highlights the burden of IPV in LGBTQ+ relationships, and how IPV in the LGBTQ+ community differs from that in the heterosexual community (2011).
Academic Article DV, LGBTQ+
“What kind of abuse is him spitting in my food?”: Reflections on the similarities between disability hate crime, so-called ‘mate’ crime, & domestic violence against women with intellectual disabilities
This article examines the similarities between domestic violence, disability hate crime, and "mate" crime (2016).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Children, Stalking