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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury
Often referred to as the “invisible injury”, this webinar will focus on partner-inflicted brain injuries: how to identify them including signs and symptoms, how to talk to survivors about your concerns, and resources available for practitioners in the field.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Medical, Neurobiology
Children, Trauma, & DV
This webinar discusses how trauma affects children in regards to DV situations. It highlights how trauma works in a childs brain and what they interpret from the scene.
Webinar Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, DV, DV Awareness Month, Neurobiology
The Impact of Trauma on the Brain
This webinar does a deep dive into what trauma is and how it impacts the brain via behaviors, memories, etc.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month, Neurobiology, Victims
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children witnessing domestic violence: A systematic review
This review focuses on the effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to reduce PTSD symptoms in children. The study describes the limitations and recommendations for future research on these methods (2016).
Academic Article Children, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Victims
Rural Behavioral Health Webinars
The Rural Behavior Webinar Series provides resources and information on how to approach mental health in rural communities, and the obstacles that plague that demographic (2019).
Webinar Mental Health, Neurobiology, Rural, Systemic Change
Intimate partner violence: A group cognitive-behavioral therapy model
This research study focuses on a treatment program that may be useful for victims of IPV that have already left the dangerous environment (2012).
Academic Article DV, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change, Victims
The impact of witnessing domestic violence on children: A systematic review
This paper examines the various themes centered on the impacts of witnessing domestic violence on children, including emotional systems, internalizing behaviors, and cognitive dysregulation (2017).
Academic Article Children, DV, Neurobiology
The effects of child abuse & exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing & externalizing behavior problems
This study analyzes the effects of child abuse and domestic violence exposure in childhood on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behaviors (2010).
Academic Article Children, DV, Neurobiology
Current evidence: Intimate partner violence, trauma-related mental health conditions, & chronic illness
This information sheet presents current evidence on the physical and mental consequences of IPV (2014).
Fact Sheet DV, Medical, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Sexual Assault, Victims
Child-witnessed domestic violence & its adverse effects on brain development: A call for societal self-examination & awareness
This research discusses the psychosocially induced biological alterations that are related to maladaptation in the context of child-witnessed DV. The authors provide evidence for these physical alterations to the brain (2014).
Academic Article Children, DV, Neurobiology