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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Sexual Assault Roll Call
ICCR Webinar: Sexual Assault Roll Call presented by Kristin Daley & Kenny Smith.
Webinar Law Enforcement, Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Working with LGBTQ+ Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
ICCR Webinar: Working with LGBTQ+ Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Presented by Ruth Perrin & Anya Lynn-Alesker.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Victims
Rural Sexual Response Teams
ICCR Webinar: Rural Sexual Response Teams presented by Fatima Jayoma & Miranda Gonzalez.
Webinar Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Intimate Partner Violence Intervention
ICCR Webinar: Intimate Partner Violence Intervention presented by Rachel Teicher.
Webinar Bystander Intervention, Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Healthcare Implications for Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking
ICCR Webinar: Healthcare Implications for Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking presented by Mary Ann Contreras.
Webinar Healthcare, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Understanding the Experience and Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence
ICCR Webinar: Understanding the Experience and Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence presented by Maggy McGiffert & Julie Olomi.
Webinar Domestic Violence, DV, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Victims
What About Youth? Engaging Young People in Relationship Violence Prevention
ICCR Webinar: What About Youth? Engaging Young People in Relationship Violence Prevention presented by Kaiti Dinges.
Webinar Children, Sexual Assault, Teen Dating Violence
Investigating & Prosecuting High-Risk Cases
ICCR Webinar: A Focus on IPV Sexual Violence and Strangulation presented by John Wilkinson.
Webinar Investigation, Prosecution, Sexual Assault, Strangulation
Rural Sexual Assault Response Teams
The Sexual Violence Justice Institute a program of the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault will present on building a baseline knowledge of systems-change sexual assault response teams (SARTs). The training will also provide SARTs with the knowledge and tools for effective multidisciplinary teamwork.
Webinar Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Understanding the Experiences & Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence
This webinar will highlight the results from a study, Older Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence: Understanding Gaps in Systems Responses and Community Services in Texas, conducted by the University of Central Florida and the University of Texas Medical Branch Center for Violence Prevention. This project, a collaboration with Texas Council on Family Violence and Texas Association Against Family Violence, assesses the needs and experiences of female-identified Texas survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, aged 50 and older, and offers recommendations and promising practices for supporting older survivors.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Confidentiality & Priveledge: Putting the Pieces Together to Protect Survivor Privacy
Understanding how to support survivor's privacy, privilege, and confidentiality rights is critical to support safety and choice. This webinar, presented by the Texas Council on Family Violence and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, will provide an overview of both federal confidentiality laws and state statutes that offer protections to survivors, including the new privilege statute just passed for survivors of sexual assault. The presenters will also discuss exceptions to the law, and the important pieces of a properly executed a release of information to ensure survivors are informed and their privilege is protected.
Webinar Confidentiality, DV, DV Awareness Month, Family Justice Center, Legislation, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Systemic Change, Victims
Investigating & Prosecuting High Risk Cases: A Focus on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence and Strangulation
Every year, 3-4 million women in the U.S. are abused by an intimate partner, and as many as 1,600 are killed by their abusers. Identifying the level of danger facing a victim is a persistent challenge. Several factors are associated with an increased risk of homicide—in particular, the co-occurrence of sexual violence and strangulation. Trauma-informed investigations and evidence-based prosecutions are essential to the identification of these co-occurring crimes, safety planning with survivors, and offender accountability.  This webinar will focus on the signs and symptoms of strangulation injury; common dynamics and prevalence of intimate partner sexual violence; and the importance of documentation, safety planning, and collaboration with advocates and medical experts. The presenter will discuss risk factors and assessment, as well as investigative and legal considerations in these cases.
Webinar Investigation, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Strangulation
The Abuse Continuum: Child Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking, & Domestic Violence
This webinar will help attendees understand the basic dynamics that lead to child abuse, sex trafficking, and domestic violence. The presenters will discuss the cyclical nature of these types of victimizations and the connective factors that cause these to link together as a spectrum of violence. Attendees wil gain insight into best practices in response to these types of victimizations as well as best practices in movement toward a more comprehensive approach in addressing these survivors and their healing process (2020).
Webinar Animal Abuse, Campus Safety Awareness Month, CCR, DV, Sexual Assault
The crime of domestic violence roll-call video
The crime of domestic violence is complex and law enforcement officers often feel frustrated and discouraged when responding. Officers provide as much support to victims as possible, but when equipped with a better understanding of the nuances and dynamics of this intimate partner crime, they can more effectively address victims’ needs and hold offenders accountable. This video highlights the realities and complexities of domestic violence and provides strategies for effective investigations.
Roll Call Training CCR, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Stalking
Identifying & responding to elder abuse: An officer’s role
"The IACP in collaboration with PAE and the Elder Justice Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice, is addressing these needs through the development of a: Six-part roll call video series to enable law enforcement to better identify signs of elder abuse and recognize evidence that can lead to the successful prosecution of criminals. Excel-based financial investigative tool that can help identify patterns of exploitation and develop graphic representations of suspected criminal activity."
Roll Call Training Disabilities, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Stalking
What we know about victims of sexual assault in rural America
This survey explores the statistics and demographics behind recent sexual assault cases. The data helps professionals and bystanders understand who these victims are and how they respond to being attacked (2018).
Report Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Sexual Assault, Victims
Violence and abuse in rural America
This online guide addresses the wide range of abuses that take place in rural communities. Statistics for homicide, sexual crimes, domestic violence, and others are provided and explained (2017).
Report DV, Homicide, Rural, Sexual Assault, Weapons
The facts about abuse in military families
This research provides statistics on the prevalence of domestic abuse in military families. Data includes PTSD rates, monthly compensation, and active-duty abuse experiences (2016).
Report DV, Mental Health, Military, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Victims
Suicide prevention training for intimate partner violence hotline workers
This online training is comprised of 5 modules aimed to help advocates and hotline workers assess and respond to suicidal victims of intimate partner violence (Uploaded 2020).
eCourse Advocacy, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Rural community toolbox
This website offers various federal resources that can help rural communities become strong, healthy, prosperous, and resilient places to live and work (Uploaded 2020).
TTA Agency LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking
Rural Communities
This PCADV fact sheet details the barriers facing rural victims of domestic violence. National resources are also provided, with recent research to supplement the information. Although based in Pennsylvania, this domestic violence coalition provides accurate and detailed information for victims from across the United States.
Fact Sheet Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Quick guide: Domestic violence & sexual abuse
This short article provides details about the intersection between domestic violence and sexual abuse, giving several statistics as well as external resource links (2018).
Blog DV, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Prevalence & characteristics among domestic violence & sexual offenders
This BWJP webinar highlights the 2009 Partner Rape Study which explored the prevalence of intimate partner rape in adult sex offenders and domestic violence offenders in treatment in Colorado (2015).
Webinar DV, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Police response to violence against women
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) provides a resource library for police response to violence against women, which includes tools, policies, and resources to assist law enforcement in responding effectively to human trafficking, sexual assault, domestic and sexual violence by police officers, stalking, strangulation, domestic violence, and other crimes of intimate partner violence (2019).
TTA Agency DV, Human Trafficking, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Strangulation, Systemic Change
Intimate partner violence: A group cognitive-behavioral therapy model
This research study focuses on a treatment program that may be useful for victims of IPV that have already left the dangerous environment (2012).
Academic Article DV, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change, Victims
International Association of Chiefs of Police: Intimate partner violence response policy & training content guidelines
This IACP training guide offers recommendations for law enforcement's response to intimate partner violence, and how to make arrest decisions on-scene (Uploaded 2020).
Report CCR, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
How DV/SA Advocates Can Work with Landlords for Survivors’ Housing Stability
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing will explore proactive ways to partner with landlords in your community and how to ensure survivors are partners throughout the process. We will examine why cultivating relationships between landlords and survivors can be challenging and provide strategies to help domestic and sexual violence develop these partnerships successfully (2019).
Webinar Advocacy, Sexual Assault
Episode 8: Rape culture in the time of #MeToo
Amy Jones is a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor and the CEO of the Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center- an organization that provides counseling, crisis intervention and advocacy for those whose lives have been affected by sexual violence. Our conversation today focuses on Rape Culture, a concept that first surfaced in the 1970s, notably in the publication of the work “Rape: The First Sourcebook for Women,” put forth by the New York Radical Feminists Collective in 1974, and then further explored in depth in the 1975 documentary Rape Culture. The term Rape Culture remains popular still, and recent films like Duma (doo-muh) have explored the impact of rape culture around the world. Today, Rape Culture is broadly defined as sexual violence being treated as the norm, wherein victims are blamed for their own sexual assaults. Over the past several decades the discussion of rape culture has endured and become more organized and may have finally found a collective, universal voice within the #MeToo movement which is becoming an effective catalyst for changing how we as a society think about rape and women’s rights (2020).
Podcast Cultural Issues, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change, Victims
Enhanced safety planning for immigrant survivors of domestic & sexual violence
This advocacy-focused webinar, hosted by ASISTA, seeks to identify special immigration remedies for victims, including special VAWA provisions around confidentiality; and how to prepare enhanced safety plans for immigrant survivors  (2017).
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Victims
Domestic Violence high Risk Team Resources
This resource list from the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center includes publications and articles for professionals working with victims of intimate partner violence (Uploaded 2020).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Alcohol/Drugs, CCR, Sexual Assault, Stalking
Domestic Violence (IACP)
This IACP webpage offers free resources for domestic violence policies and best practices for a coordinated community response to the issue (2019).
TTA Agency CCR, Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault, Stalking
Domestic violence & technology: New international research & resources for practice
This BWJP webinar presents findings from the Australian Communications Consumer Advocacy Network funded study "Domestic violence and communication technology: Victim experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity theft" (2019).
Webinar CCR, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Stalking
Continuum of caring: Community-based resources for battered women
This graphic provides resources and ideas for community members to respond against violence against women and enact change (1997).
Graphic Child Abuse Awareness Month, Confidentiality, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Tribal Issues
Breaking down the barriers that affect rural victims of domestic violence
This web post examines the several factors that prevent abused women in rural communities from seeking help. Barriers such as isolation, cultural norms, and finances all inhibit these victims from obtaining justice (2017).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault in Rural Areas
This article discusses obstacles to reporting sexual assault in rural areas and the need for more research concerning sexual assault in these communities (2009).
Article Advocacy, Investigation, Medical, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change
Abuse: The Dark Side of Dating on Campus
This article focuses on the negative reality of many teen and college relationships, including stalking, sexual assault, and dating violence (2017).
Report Campus Safety, Campus Safety Awareness Month, DV, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence
A Rural Barrier
This article focuses on isolation as the core barrier facing victims of domestic violence in rural areas. The study uses evidence from several nationwide reports on rural domestic violence (2015).
Blog Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Rural, Sexual Assault
Rural survivors and economic security
This policy brief focuses on rural survivors of domestic and sexual violence and how the characteristics of rural life have an effect on the survivor's ability to be economically secure and access safety (2013).
Report DV, Rural, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence
Rural community violence
This paper focuses rural community violence and the root causes that plague so many communities. The study asserts that the lack of attention to this violence is a misperception that the violence is non-existent or less serious in rural communities (2016).
Report DV, Homicide, Rural, Sexual Assault
Recognizing, treating, & preventing trauma in LGBTQ youth
This article provides an overview of trauma as well as experiences of traumas specific to LGBTQ youth (2017).
Report LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Systemic Change, Technology, Teen Dating Violence
Multiple readings of a domestic assault report
This sheet examines the various perspectives that look at a police arrest report for domestic violence. Professionals including courts, offender programs, child protection, and defense attorneys each have a different use of police reports, and ask unique questions regarding the incident (Uploaded 2020).
CCR, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Marital rape: The long arch of sexual violence against women & girls
This paper studies the problem of marital rape in a variety of countries, and examines how legal systems and political actors contribute to shaming and stigmatization in cases of rape (2016).
Report Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Cultural Issues, Judges, Legislation, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change, Victims
Evaluation of DELTA PREP: A project aimed at integrating primary prevention of intimate partner violence within state domestic violence coalitions
This project aims at examining 19 state domestic violence coalitions, and what kind of impact and progress they made in their communities (2015).
Academic Article Bystanders, DV, Sexual Assault
Dating violence experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth
This paper examines physical, psychological, sexual, and technological dating violence experiences among LGBTQ+ youth as compared to heterosexual youth.
Academic Article DV, LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Technology, Teen Dating Violence
Current evidence: Intimate partner violence, trauma-related mental health conditions, & chronic illness
This information sheet presents current evidence on the physical and mental consequences of IPV (2014).
Fact Sheet DV, Medical, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Sexual Assault, Victims
Batterers: A review of violence & risk assessment tools
This article serves to bring awareness of the many factors, including neurobiology and neuropsychology, that contribute to the development of a batterer (2011).
Report DV, Offenders, Risk Assessment/LAP, Sexual Assault
A comparison of intimate partner & other sexual assault survivors’ use of different types of specialized hospital-based violence services
This paper analyzes the use of acute care services for sexual assault victims, as well as survivor and assault characteristics (2017).
Report Medical, Sexual Assault, Victims
A campus LGBTQ community’s sexual violence & stalking expriences: The contribution of a pro-abuse peer support
This article presents data on ways in which negative peer support contributes to sexual violence and stalking in a campus LGBTQ community (2017).
Report Advocacy, Campus Safety, DV, LGBTQ+, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence