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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Identifying & responding to elder abuse: An officer’s role
"The IACP in collaboration with PAE and the Elder Justice Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice, is addressing these needs through the development of a: Six-part roll call video series to enable law enforcement to better identify signs of elder abuse and recognize evidence that can lead to the successful prosecution of criminals. Excel-based financial investigative tool that can help identify patterns of exploitation and develop graphic representations of suspected criminal activity."
Roll Call Training Disabilities, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Stalking
What advocates need to know about law enforcement’s role (Part 1: CCR problem-solving series: The role of law enforcement)
Part 1 of this BWJP webinar series discusses the role of law enforcement in response to IPV, and the relationship between advocacy groups and police officers (2017).
Webinar Disabilities, DV Awareness Month, LGBTQ+, Offender Accountability
Advocate lessons: How law enforcement responds to & investigates domestic violence cases (Part 2: CCR problem-solving series: The role of law enforcement)
Part 2 of this BWJP webinar series explores law enforcement's initial response to DV cases, as well as how they implement legal concepts and learned strategies into real world cases (2017).
Webinar Disabilities, DV Awareness Month, LGBTQ+