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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Opioid Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities
ICCR Webinar: Opioid Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities presented by Dr. Rebecca Stone & Diane Kinney.
Webinar Alcohol/Drugs, DV, DV Awareness Month, Rural
Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury
Often referred to as the “invisible injury”, this webinar will focus on partner-inflicted brain injuries: how to identify them including signs and symptoms, how to talk to survivors about your concerns, and resources available for practitioners in the field.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Medical, Neurobiology
Creating Stability Within High Risk IPV Interventions Using Risk Assessments
This presentation will focus on the impact of how using a risk assessment tool will provide stability and sustainability with High Risk IPV Intervention Programs in rural and underserved communities.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Law Enforcement, Risk Assessment/LAP
Intimate Partner Violence Intervention
Despite years of efforts, traditional criminal legal responses to intimate partner violence (IPV) have fallen short of improving victim safety and increasing offender accountability. Building on coordination models, the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention (IPVI) employs the National Network for Safe Communities’ (NNSC) evidence-based focused deterrence approach to identify and deter the most serious IPV offenders, reduce IPV, and reduce harm to victims. Through a partnership of law enforcement, victim advocates, social service providers, and community members, IPVI addresses all intimate partner violence offenders known to the criminal justice system. One of the structure’s essential elements is the ability to focus on offenders at early stages of offending, before violence or patterns of behavior escalate, offering community-based outreach, support, and messaging about the potential consequences of continued IPV offending. Through this approach, jurisdictions are able to establish themselves as the entity responsible for addressing the violence, thus shifting the burden of action off the victim. The NNSC and partners in High Point, North Carolina began a pilot project of the IPVI in 2009 which lead to dramatic reductions in IPV homicides and victim injuries. Since then, IPVI has been implemented in diverse jurisdictions nationwide, with many early indicators of success. This webinar will focus on the principles behind IPVI, how it works, and the essential steps that jurisdictions can take to successfully implement this innovative initiative.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month
Opiod Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities
This presentation will describe a community-based participatory research project to understand rural Vermont residents’ experiences of co-occurring opioid use and intimate partner violence. This multi-stage and multi-method project involved a qualitative needs assessment with a community sample of people with lived experience of opioid use and partner violence, a community brainstorming event, the development of an online cross-training for peer recovery coaches and survivor advocates, and evaluation of the cross-training curriculum. Dr. Stone and Ms. Kinney will also discuss other challenges and opportunities related to the project and to meeting the needs of rural residents seeking safety and recovery.
Webinar Alcohol/Drugs, DV, DV Awareness Month, Rural
Healthcare Implications for Intimate Partner Violence & Human Trafficking
The webinar focuses on strategies to build both internal and external community relationships in the field of intimate partner and trafficking violence. Implementing strategic organizational changes within healthcare settings allows for understanding of the opportunity for healthcare professionals to screen patients for intimate partner violence/human trafficking in a trauma informed manner and refer to community resources. This practice and implementation can be utilized in rural and urban healthcare centers, including hospitals and community clinics.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Medical
Hand in Hand: Law Enforcement Serving in Order to Protect
There is an unspoken expectation that if a victim reports a crime, that the victim must definitely participate in the investigation and conviction of that crime. However, what is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, or simply forgotten is that victims endure many mental, physical, and systemic barriers that impede their ability to cooperate with law enforcement and other purveyors of criminal justice. It is vital that officers recognize these obstacles and have strategies in place to circumvent these complications in order to support victims and carry out effective investigations. This webinar will explore the reasons why victims cannot/do not participate, how to work cases without victims, and to highlight the importance of victim advocacy.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Law Enforcement
Understanding the Experiences & Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence
This webinar will highlight the results from a study, Older Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence: Understanding Gaps in Systems Responses and Community Services in Texas, conducted by the University of Central Florida and the University of Texas Medical Branch Center for Violence Prevention. This project, a collaboration with Texas Council on Family Violence and Texas Association Against Family Violence, assesses the needs and experiences of female-identified Texas survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, aged 50 and older, and offers recommendations and promising practices for supporting older survivors.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Confidentiality & Priveledge: Putting the Pieces Together to Protect Survivor Privacy
Understanding how to support survivor's privacy, privilege, and confidentiality rights is critical to support safety and choice. This webinar, presented by the Texas Council on Family Violence and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, will provide an overview of both federal confidentiality laws and state statutes that offer protections to survivors, including the new privilege statute just passed for survivors of sexual assault. The presenters will also discuss exceptions to the law, and the important pieces of a properly executed a release of information to ensure survivors are informed and their privilege is protected.
Webinar Confidentiality, DV, DV Awareness Month, Family Justice Center, Legislation, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Systemic Change, Victims
Battering Intervention & Prevention Programs: Services for DV Offenders
This webinar highlights strategic prevention efforts to family violence through battering intervention programs.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Offender Accountability, Offenders, Texas Specific
Children, Trauma, & DV
This webinar discusses how trauma affects children in regards to DV situations. It highlights how trauma works in a childs brain and what they interpret from the scene.
Webinar Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, DV, DV Awareness Month, Neurobiology
The Impact of Trauma on the Brain
This webinar does a deep dive into what trauma is and how it impacts the brain via behaviors, memories, etc.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month, Neurobiology, Victims
Why Won’t She Listen?
This webinar discusses why trauma affects victims in ways that might alter how she receives services and what you can do about it as a service provider.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, DV Awareness Month, Victims
When she calls for help: Domestic violence in Christian families
This study reviews current research on IPV in Christian homes, showing that abused Christian women are more likely to remain in the relationship because of religious beliefs (2017).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Specialized Courts
When pregnancy triggers violence
This article discusses the prevalence of DV among pregnant women, affecting about 300,000 individuals each year in the U.S. This paper details the reasons for increased abuse during pregnancy, and what prenatal specialists are doing to reduce violence (2015).
Fact Sheet Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution
What is the link?
This post discusses the link between animal abuse and domestic abuse, and provides suggestions for professional intervention (Uploaded 2018).
Blog Collaboration, DV Awareness Month
What advocates need to know about law enforcement’s role (Part 1: CCR problem-solving series: The role of law enforcement)
Part 1 of this BWJP webinar series discusses the role of law enforcement in response to IPV, and the relationship between advocacy groups and police officers (2017).
Webinar Disabilities, DV Awareness Month, LGBTQ+, Offender Accountability
Violence during pregnancy & the postpartum period
This study details the common increase in violence during and after pregnancy. Risk factors for violence, as well as outcomes for women who are pregnant or postpartum are discussed (2012).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
The power of probation
This article provides an explanation of probation officers' powers, as well as benefits for abuse survivors once their abuser is put on probation (2017).
Blog DV Awareness Month, LGBTQ+
The link: Domestic violence & animal abuse
This article states that 50-75% of female DV survivors with pets reported the animals were threatened, harmed, or killed by the abuser. By understanding the connection between animal abuse and domestic violence, professionals can help survivors more effectively (2017).
Blog Collaboration, DV Awareness Month
The intersections of disability & violence
This article explores the facts behind abuse towards people with disabilities, and how it can differ from abuse among non-disabled individuals (2018).
Blog Body Cams, DV, DV Awareness Month
Texas Council on Family Violence
TCFV is a membership organization that includes survivors, DV service providers, business professionals, faith communities, and concerned individuals.
Service Provider DV, DV Awareness Month
Study: Domestic violence during pregnancy doubles risk of preterm birth, low birth weight
This University of Iowa study finds that violence by a partner or ex-partner during pregnancy doubles the risk of pre-term birth, low birth weight, and small babies (2016).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution
Safe Housing for Immigrant Survivors: Legal Protections
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing will discuss VAWA protections, as well as the impact of potential policy changes, such as the HUD mixed status rule or the public charge rule, and provide additional resources and information (2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, DV Awareness Month
Safe Housing for Immigrant Survivors: Foundations
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing will discuss how to identify and help immigrant survivors navigate challenges when seeking services and safety, as well as focus on strengths-based and trauma-informed advocacy for immigrant survivors (2020)
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, DV Awareness Month
Rural Communities
This PCADV fact sheet details the barriers facing rural victims of domestic violence. National resources are also provided, with recent research to supplement the information. Although based in Pennsylvania, this domestic violence coalition provides accurate and detailed information for victims from across the United States.
Fact Sheet Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Probation officers play a critical role in recognizing domestic violence
This article examines the crucial role that probation and parole officers play in identifying intimate partner violence (IPV). These officers receive extensive training in both identifying and responding to IPV, ensuring safety for themselves, as well as the victim (2017).
DV Awareness Month, LQBTQ+
National Network to End Domestic Violence
NNEDV offers support to victims of domestic violence through cross-sector collaborations and corporate partnerships.  It also provides training, technical assistance, and innovative programs to victims and the public.
TTA Agency DV, DV Awareness Month
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NCADV strives to be the voice of victims and survivors.  Staff works to affect public policy, increase public awareness, and provide programs and education to drive change.
Service Provider DV, DV Awareness Month
Domestic violence called ‘latest battleground’ in tribal justice
This report summarizes the jurisdictional issues facing tribal courts after the 2013 reauthorization of VAWA, primarily in DV cases involving non-Native Americans (2018).
Blog Animal Abuse, DV Awareness Month, Juries, Personal Stories, Risk Assessment/LAP
Domestic violence & the LGBTQ community
This NCADV resource provides information and statistics on LGBTQ victims of domestic violence, highlighting that abuse exists everywhere, regardless of sexual orientation.
Blog Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Mental Health
Domestic Violence & People with Disabilities
This fact sheet details the red flags that indicate if abuse is occurring towards a disabled individual. The Americans with Disabilities Act is also reviewed, and provides suggestions for action and prevention (Uploaded 2018).
Fact Sheet Body Cams, DV, DV Awareness Month, Personal Stories, Victims
During Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month #TDVAM, we want to highlight statistics of adolescent victims in #rural areas to raise awareness of this terrifying reality they face. Want to know more? Stay tuned for an upcoming webinar announcement…
This post examines the various religious barriers that inhibit victims from seeking help, including traditional gender roles, misused Bible verses, and emphasis on suffering (2016).
Blog DV Awareness Month, Specialized Courts
Breaking down the barriers that affect rural victims of domestic violence
This web post examines the several factors that prevent abused women in rural communities from seeking help. Barriers such as isolation, cultural norms, and finances all inhibit these victims from obtaining justice (2017).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Animal Cruelty & Domestic Violence
This article examines the research that shows the link between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans (Uploaded 2018).
Fact Sheet Collaboration, DV Awareness Month
Advocate lessons: How law enforcement responds to & investigates domestic violence cases (Part 2: CCR problem-solving series: The role of law enforcement)
Part 2 of this BWJP webinar series explores law enforcement's initial response to DV cases, as well as how they implement legal concepts and learned strategies into real world cases (2017).
Webinar Disabilities, DV Awareness Month, LGBTQ+
A Rural Barrier
This article focuses on isolation as the core barrier facing victims of domestic violence in rural areas. The study uses evidence from several nationwide reports on rural domestic violence (2015).
Blog Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Rural, Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs): An Empirical Review of Their Effectiveness & Challenges to Implementation
This article summarizes the development of SARTs in the U.S., reviews the literature of their effectiveness, and discusses the challenges they face, which may hamper their effectiveness (2012).
Report DV Awareness Month, High Risk Team, Homelessness, Interviews, Technology
Non-fatal strangulation is an important risk factor for homicide of women
This research article examines non-fatal strangulation as a risk factor for major assault or homicide of women, with results showing an increased risk for both assault and homicide if the woman experienced non-fatal strangulation previously (2008).
Academic Article DV, DV Awareness Month, Strangulation
Missing Voices: Patterns of Battered Women’s Satisfaction with the Criminal Legal System
This research explores IPV survivors' patterns of satisfaction with the criminal legal system response. Implications for improving the criminal legal system response to survivors of IPV are discussed (February 2002).
Report Advocacy, Aquatic Crimes, Children, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Expert Witnesses, FRTs, High Risk Team, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Prosecution, Technology
Pregnant women are at increased risk of domestic violence in all cultural groups
This article examines domestic violence in relation to pregnancy, showing that women having a subsequent child are more likely to disclose violence than first-time mothers. The paper also details how abuse varies among various ethnic groups (2018).
Blog Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution