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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

When pregnancy triggers violence
This article discusses the prevalence of DV among pregnant women, affecting about 300,000 individuals each year in the U.S. This paper details the reasons for increased abuse during pregnancy, and what prenatal specialists are doing to reduce violence (2015).
Fact Sheet Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution
Violence during pregnancy & the postpartum period
This study details the common increase in violence during and after pregnancy. Risk factors for violence, as well as outcomes for women who are pregnant or postpartum are discussed (2012).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Supporting Safe Housing Stability for Survivors through Flexible Funding
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing highlights the District Alliance for Safe Housing's use of flex funding to swiftly provide cash assistance to address survivor's housing barriers; Minnesota's Coalition for Battered Women's use of flex funding as a strategy for increasing survivors' economic empowerment; and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence's incorporation of flex funding as a core component of their DV Housing First Model. Emphasis will be on survivor choice in identifying what they needed as a core component of flexible financial assistance (2019).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Prostitution, Stalking
Study: Domestic violence during pregnancy doubles risk of preterm birth, low birth weight
This University of Iowa study finds that violence by a partner or ex-partner during pregnancy doubles the risk of pre-term birth, low birth weight, and small babies (2016).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution
Pregnant women are at increased risk of domestic violence in all cultural groups
This article examines domestic violence in relation to pregnancy, showing that women having a subsequent child are more likely to disclose violence than first-time mothers. The paper also details how abuse varies among various ethnic groups (2018).
Blog Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution