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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

How to Effectively Utilize Shelter Services for Victims of Gender-based Violence
ICCR Webinar: How to Effectively Utilize Shelter Services for Victims of Gender-based Violence presented by Jordyn Lawson.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Shelter, Victims
Working with LGBTQ+ Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
ICCR Webinar: Working with LGBTQ+ Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Presented by Ruth Perrin & Anya Lynn-Alesker.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Victims
Enhancing Language Access in Rural Communities
ICCR Webinar: Enhancing Language Access in Rural Communities presented by Jose Juan Lara, Jr.
Webinar Advocacy, Cultural Issues, Rural
Bridging the Gap: Law Enforcement and Advocacy Collaboration
ICCR Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Law Enforcement and Advocacy Collaboration presented by Misty Biddick & Jerry Meadors.
Webinar Advocacy, CCR, Law Enforcement
Confidentiality and Privilege
ICCR Webinar: Putting the pieces together to protect survivor privacy presented by Breall Baccus, Elizabeth Boyce, & Molly Voyles.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Victims
Transgender Survivors
ICCR Webinar: A roadmap through rural and urban communities to improve services and advocacy presented by Michael Munson.
Webinar Advocacy, LGBTQ+, Rural, Victims
Advocating for Policy Change
ICCR Webinar: Advocating for policy change presented by Linda Phan.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Legislation
Bridging the Gap: Law Enforcement & Advocacy Collaboration
This presentation will discuss building a successful partnership between community advocates and law enforcement agencies in order to address intimate partner violence. The presenters will discuss the roles of law enforcement and community-based advocates in the response to intimate partner violence (IPV) crimes, specifically in rural areas. The presentation will also discuss the building blocks of creating a positive relationship between law enforcement, advocates and police culture regarding advocacy. The presentation will also highlight common challenges and solutions involving information sharing that may occur between advocates and law enforcement and give helpful suggestions for building and maintaining the vital relationships between first responders and advocates regarding intimate partner violence.
Webinar Advocacy, Collaboration, Law Enforcement
Are You in Network? How to Support Survivors in a Healthcare Setting
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been considered a public health issue since the 1960s. However, research shows that only 10-25% of victims seek any type of traditional victim services; but almost everyone visits the doctor. As a result, healthcare professionals are often the only potential point of intervention for victims and must have the tools in place to address IPV in their clinics and offices. In this webinar, attendees will learn about the prevalence of intimate partner violence, ways to implement effective screening, and trauma-informed practices for addressing these health harming legal needs. The presenters will share how the Texas Advocacy Project can provide free legal help for patients in need.
Webinar Advocacy, Medical
Transgender Survivors: A road map through rural and urban communities to improve services and advocacy
This webinar will define statistics regarding the transgender community and the barriers to gaining access to care. Resources are discussed to help break down the barriers.
Webinar Advocacy, LGBTQ+
Advocating for Policy Change
This webinar defines Legislative Advocacy and offers a deep understanding of the Texas Legislative process in order to teach various methods of advocating.
Webinar Advocacy, Legislation, Texas Specific
Why Won’t She Listen?
This webinar discusses why trauma affects victims in ways that might alter how she receives services and what you can do about it as a service provider.
Webinar Advocacy, DV, DV Awareness Month, Victims
Center for Victim Research 
This website provides tools, training, and featured research surrounding crimes against women from a victim-centered perspective.  
TTA Agency Advocacy, Children, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology
Victim service provider resources
The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) provides these resources for victim service providers, recognizing that they play a vital role in the intervention and response to stalking (2019).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Collaboration, Stalking, Stalking Log
Victim contact in abusive partner intervention: The importance of collaboration
This document highlights programs with victim contact processes, addresses safety challenges. inherent in this work, and offers considerations and best practices for safe and effective implementation (2020).
Report Advocacy, Collaboration, DV, Victims
Unhelpful thinking patterns
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, discusses different types of unhelpful thinking patterns, and how to help challenge negative thoughts (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Understanding the “window of tolerance”
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar explains "the window of tolerance" and discusses coping skills to help clients get back into their window (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse
Thinking about the opioid epidemic in the context of trauma & domestic violence: Framing the issues
This webinar will engage participants in thinking through what helps when someone is experiencing emotional distress. We will look at the factors that shape how we respond to distress and crisis and discuss both individual and organizational strategies to respond to distress in trauma-informed ways (January 2016).
Webinar Advocacy, Alcohol/Drugs, DV
The Safe Shelter Collaborative
The Safe Shelter Collaborative allows advocates to communicate with each other to determine where there are available beds. If no space is available, a request for funding for a night at a hotel can be sent out through the associated app, SafeNight (2019).
Service Provider Advocacy, Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Collaboration, Victims
The CBT triangle: Understanding the relationship between thoughts, feelings, & actions
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, unpacks the components of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) triangle and how it can be used effectively in work with clients (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Supporting Safe Housing Stability for Survivors through Flexible Funding
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing highlights the District Alliance for Safe Housing's use of flex funding to swiftly provide cash assistance to address survivor's housing barriers; Minnesota's Coalition for Battered Women's use of flex funding as a strategy for increasing survivors' economic empowerment; and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence's incorporation of flex funding as a core component of their DV Housing First Model. Emphasis will be on survivor choice in identifying what they needed as a core component of flexible financial assistance (2019).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Prostitution, Stalking
Support Systems
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, discusses the importance of support systems, as well as how to identify healthy and unhealthy supports (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Tribal Issues
Suicide prevention training for intimate partner violence hotline workers
This online training is comprised of 5 modules aimed to help advocates and hotline workers assess and respond to suicidal victims of intimate partner violence (Uploaded 2020).
eCourse Advocacy, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Short-term outcomes for users of the National Domestic Violence Hotline & loveisrespect
This report examines the effectiveness of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, as well as Love Is Respect's online resources(2020).
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR, Technology
Safety planning
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, focuses on preparing a safety plan specific to survivors of domestic violence (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
Safety for Survivors
Survivors of domestic and sexual violence often seek assistance from homeless service/housing providers. This National Alliance for Safe Housing webinar is designed to introduce some basic concepts and best practices related to discussing safety with survivors participating in homeless/housing programs (2019)
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
Safe/comfortable place exercise
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, examines the concept of "safe/comfortable place", and how to use it effectively when working with clients (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse
Safe Housing for Immigrant Survivors: Legal Protections
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing will discuss VAWA protections, as well as the impact of potential policy changes, such as the HUD mixed status rule or the public charge rule, and provide additional resources and information (2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, DV Awareness Month
Safe Housing for Immigrant Survivors: Foundations
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing will discuss how to identify and help immigrant survivors navigate challenges when seeking services and safety, as well as focus on strengths-based and trauma-informed advocacy for immigrant survivors (2020)
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, DV Awareness Month
Red flags for abusive relationships
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar explains common behaviors or "red flag" that may indicate an abusive relationship (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
Recommendations for suicide prevention hotlines on responding to intimate partner violence
This document provides recommendations for suicide prevention hotlines on how to prepare their organizations to respond to IPV, and practical suggestions and tools for crisis line staff on screening, risk assessment, safety planning, and referral for callers who are experiencing IPV (2018).
Academic Article Advocacy, DV, Mental Health, Victims
Power & control
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar explains the different types of abuse and the dynamics of power and control in abusive relationships (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
Multicultural awareness & competence in counseling
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar discusses the importance of multicultural awareness and how to ensure your agency and staff are using best practices when working with clients of various backgrounds and ethnicities (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Family Justice Center, Immigration Awareness Month
How DV/SA Advocates Can Work with Landlords for Survivors’ Housing Stability
This webinar from the National Alliance for Safe Housing will explore proactive ways to partner with landlords in your community and how to ensure survivors are partners throughout the process. We will examine why cultivating relationships between landlords and survivors can be challenging and provide strategies to help domestic and sexual violence develop these partnerships successfully (2019).
Webinar Advocacy, Sexual Assault
Goal Setting
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar examines the importance of goal setting with clients and their children (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse
Episode 9: Working with teens
Our guest today is Jordyn Lawson, senior director of Residential Services at Genesis Women's Shelter & Support. Ms. Lawson supervises both the emergency shelter and Annie's House transitional living program at the organization and has worked in the field of domestic violence and trauma recovery for over 12 years, conducting individual and group counseling services for women, adolescents, and children. She has a passion for ending domestic violence and helping those who have experienced the pain of trauma heal and grow. Content warnings for this episode include: physical and emotional abuse (2020).
Podcast Advocacy, DV, Teen Dating Violence
Enhanced safety planning for immigrant survivors of domestic & sexual violence
This advocacy-focused webinar, hosted by ASISTA, seeks to identify special immigration remedies for victims, including special VAWA provisions around confidentiality; and how to prepare enhanced safety plans for immigrant survivors  (2017).
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Victims
Emotional Safety Planning
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, explains the importance of emotional safety planning and how to create an individualized plan (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
Emotional Abuse
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, examines emotional abuse and its ramifications on the lives of victims and their children (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
DV 101: Introduction to Domestic Violence
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar provides an introductory look at domestic violence dynamics, and some of the options that exist for victims and survivors (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, CCR, Stalking
Domestic Violence high Risk Team Resources
This resource list from the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center includes publications and articles for professionals working with victims of intimate partner violence (Uploaded 2020).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Alcohol/Drugs, CCR, Sexual Assault, Stalking
Domestic Violence & Intersectionality
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar examines domestic violence and various intersectionalities that affect client care (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, CCR, Stalking
Cycle of Violence
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, examines the cycle of violence in domestic violence relationships (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR
Counseling services for domestic violence survivors: A review of the empirical evidence
This research summary examines domestic violence program effectiveness across the country, and provides the opportunity for other DV programs to secure continued support for proven programs and practices (2013).
Academic Article Advocacy, DV, Victims
Coping Skills
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar defines and details coping skills, including distraction, grounding, emotional release, self care, thought challenge, access higher self, and safety planning (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse
Committed to Safety for ALL Survivors: Guidance for Domestic Violence Programs on Supporting Survivors Who Use Substances
"The goal of this guide is to assist programs and advocates in supporting survivors who use substances by providing practical strategies embedded within an accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed approach (2020)."
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Catholic Homilies on Domestic Violence
This resource provides several videos of Catholic homilies, as well as survivor stories, geared towards spreading awareness about domestic violence (2019).
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Religion, Systemic Change, Victims
Benefits of Deep Breathing
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar discusses the benefits of deep breathing for both clients and practitioners (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault in Rural Areas
This article discusses obstacles to reporting sexual assault in rural areas and the need for more research concerning sexual assault in these communities (2009).
Article Advocacy, Investigation, Medical, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change
Advocate Guide to Lease Termination
This TCFV guide serves to assist advocates in supporting survivors of family violence to terminate their residential lease effectively(2020).
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse
Abuse & Mental Illness: Is there a connection?
This article dispels the myth that abusers harm their partners because they are suffering from a mental illness. While mental illness can play a role in abusive relationships, the author states that abusive behavior and mental illness are two separate entities in an intimate partner relationship (2015).
Blog Advocacy, DV, Mental Health, Offenders
A guide to self-esteem
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, discusses increasing self-esteem and how it can positively impact the lives of survivors (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse
A guide to self care: How to thrive during uncertainty
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar focuses on the importance of self care and establishing an intentional routine (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Cultural Issues, Immigration Awareness Month
A day in the life of an APS worker in rural America
This article examines the role of APS workers in rural America, the extensive problem of elder abuse and neglect, and the difficulty of investigating these crimes in rural areas (2017).
Blog Advocacy, Elder Abuse, Personal Stories, Rural, Victims
The Lethality Assessment Program: Which Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Are Most Likely to Participate?
This paper analyzes the differential use of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) across female survivors of IPV in four police jurisdictions in Oklahoma (2016).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology
Social Consequences of Disparagement Humor: A Prejudiced Norm Theory
The prejudiced norm theory specifies the social-psychological processes by which exposure to disparagement humor uniquely affects the tolerance of discrimination against members of groups targeted by the humor. The authors in this study ose that a norm of tolerance of discrimination implied by disparagement humor functions as a source of self-regulation for people high in prejudice (2004).
Report Advocacy, Bystanders, Military, Prosecution, Strangulation, Technology, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Weapons
Sexual Assault Case Management
This case management assessment details the number of sexual assaults per year in one's jurisdiction, as well as how to best investigate cases.
Advocacy, Elder Abuse, Interviews
Sex trafficking & rural communities: A review of the literature
This literature review examines recent studies on rural human trafficking, and provides recommendations and implications for future research, policy, and practice (2017).
Academic Article Advocacy, Human Trafficking, Rural
Rural Domestic & Sexual Abuse Program Advocates: Making a Difference in the Lives of Older Survivors of Abuse
This paper provides rural domestic and sexual abuse service programs with possible resources and tools to effectively respond to elder abuse. Definitions of elder abuse are given, as well as ideas and perspectives for serving older victims (September 2013).
Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Rural, Technology
Rural Disparity in Domestic Violence Prevalence & Access to Resources
The purpose of this study is to determine if prevalence, frequency, and severity of IPV differ by rurality and to identify variance in geographic access to IPV resources (November 2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Immigration Awareness Month
Responses from the Field: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, & Policing
This research is comprised of narratives from government officials, advocates, and service providers with a link to domestic and sexual violence. The purpose of this collection is to help develop and implement future policy (October 2015).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Home Visitation, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution
Putting the System Back into Systems Change: A Framework for Understanding & Changing Organizational & Community Systems
This research examines the concept of systems change, as it has emerged as a dominant frame thorugh which national, state, and local practitioners in a variety of fields approach their work. The paper also covers the importance of attending to both deep and apparent structures within a system as well as the interactions and interdependencies among these system parts (May 2007).
Report Advocacy, Military, Prosecution
Police Departments’ Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation
Although calling the police is a common stategy used to help abused women, it is not usually deemed the most effective. This paper seeks to identify the strenghts of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP), and its effectiveness in police-responder intervention (July 2014).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology
Partnering with Community-Based Organizations to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence
This article examines IPV in Latina communities. Because of fear, distrust, and cultural barriers, these victims often avoid formal resources, even when they are experiencing extreme IPV. In order to develop effective interventions, Latinas' voices in research must be used, and organizations must collaborate with community-based organizations (CBOs). (March 2009).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Military, Prosecution, Technology, Weapons
Missing Voices: Patterns of Battered Women’s Satisfaction with the Criminal Legal System
This research explores IPV survivors' patterns of satisfaction with the criminal legal system response. Implications for improving the criminal legal system response to survivors of IPV are discussed (February 2002).
Report Advocacy, Aquatic Crimes, Children, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Expert Witnesses, FRTs, High Risk Team, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Prosecution, Technology
Intimate Partner Violence in Rural America
Despite the alarming rates of IPV across the U.S., women in rural areas face obstacles that impair their ability to get help. Lack of an adequate health care and criminal justice system are barriers for these victims of domestic violence. This study examines the many challenges that rural victims face, and how to create a coordinated, systemic change in rural America (March 2015).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology
In Our Voice: Survivors’ Recommendations
This study provides evidence-based information from seven focus groups comprised of diverse members of intimate partner violence. The research details survivors' opinions on existsing service gaps and how helping professionals might enhance court operations (December 2014).
Advocacy, Children, Home Visitation, Interviews, Military, Prosecution, Technology
How Do Survivors Define Success?
This report examines how survivors of domestic violence define success for themselves.  The authors also answer the question of how DV advocates and practitioners define success for DV survivors.  The research finds a significant disconnect between how survivors and other stakeholder groups understand survivor success (October 2014).
Report Advocacy, Children, Military, Technology
Greater Newburyport Domestic Violence High Risk Team
This document discusses the Greater Newburyport DV High Risk Team, which is comprised of allied professionals working together to identify the most dangerous cases of DV and implement interventions to prevent cases from escalating to fatal levels (December 2013).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Military, Prosecution
Exploring the links between components of coordinated community responses & their impact on contact with intimate partner violence services
This paper examines the impact of CCRs on women's exposure to IPV and contact with IPV services (2008).
Report Advocacy, CCR, DV, Victims
Enhancing coordinated community responses to reduce recidivism in cases of domestic violence
This study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of CCRs, and suggest areas for enhancement in order to reduce DV recidivism (2002).
Report Advocacy, CCR, DV, Victims
Domestic Violence in Rural Communities
Domestic violence courts' key principles are transferable to rural and suburban dockets. This paper illustrates how to integrate key domestic violence court principles into local practice (2005).
Article Advocacy, Children, Expert Witnesses, FRTs, High Risk Team, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month
Community policing & victim services in Texas
This report explains how community policing may enhance services to victims by defining community policing (2011).
Report Advocacy, Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Collaboration, DV, Texas Specific
Community Policing & Family Violence Against Women: Lessons Learned from a Multiagency Collaborative
This report analyzes the process of a multiagency collaborative involving a large, municipal police department and other service providers as an attempt to find meaningful solutions to family violence against women in a southwestern metropolitan area (2001).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Military, Technology
Collaborative Effort & the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Training Toward Resolving Domestic Violence
This project was funded by the National Institute of Justice to combat violence against women in Texas. Components of this research included introducing researchers as academic resources for the collaborative in the area of domestic violence theory. Additionally, the project monitored the process of inter-agency collaboration in DV work, and provided an evaluation of the effects of inter-agency DV training (January 2002).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Interviews, Mental Health, Military
Citations & Convictions: One Community’s Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence & Efforts toward Offender Accountability
This research discusses the effectiveness of a coordinated community response in a mid-sized Midwestern city (May 2015).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Military
Building Evidence for Domestic Violence Services & Interventions
This article's purpose is to describe the current state of evidence for DV services and interventions, as well as highlight innovate and concrete areas of opportunity. (January 2017).
Report Advocacy, Children, Prosecution
Blueprint to Guide Development of Domestic Violence Protocols
This guide provides blueprints and details for protocols involving victims of domestic violence (2006).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Military
Barriers to help seeking for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & queer survivors of intimate partner violence
This document suggests three major barriers to seeking help for LGBTQ+ survivors of IPV (2015).
Report Advocacy, DV, Law Enforcement, LGBTQ+
Academia Meets Community Agency: How to Foster Positive Collaboration in Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Work
This document examines the importance of collaboration between members of academia and service agencies in order to effectively combat and respond to domestic and sexual violence. The authors provide suggestions and methods of how to create positive, collaborative relationships between academicians and service providers (March 2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Interviews, Military, Strangulation
A Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence
This paper chronicles the Duluth Project, which is a pioneer in coordinated community responses to domestic violence and sexual assault. The Duluth Project is a system of networks, agreements, and applied principles created by the local shelter movement, criminal justice agencies, and human services programs developed in northern Minnesota (January 1997).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution, Technology
A Comparison of the Batterer Intervention & Prevention Program with Alternative Court Dispositions on 12-Month Recidivism
This study examined the effectiveness of batterer intervention and prevention programs (BIPP) for cases assigned to a misdemeanor family court (2015).
Report Advocacy, Human Trafficking, Offender Accountability
A campus LGBTQ community’s sexual violence & stalking expriences: The contribution of a pro-abuse peer support
This article presents data on ways in which negative peer support contributes to sexual violence and stalking in a campus LGBTQ community (2017).
Report Advocacy, Campus Safety, DV, LGBTQ+, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence
A Call for Social Network-Oriented Approach to Services for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
This paper calls for a shift in domestic violence services toward a more network-oriented approach. Such a shift would require a reframing of the role of DV practitioners and the scope and nature of services (2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Military, Prosecution