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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

When she calls for help: Domestic violence in Christian families
This study reviews current research on IPV in Christian homes, showing that abused Christian women are more likely to remain in the relationship because of religious beliefs (2017).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Specialized Courts March 14, 2023
What we know about victims of sexual assault in rural America
This survey explores the statistics and demographics behind recent sexual assault cases. The data helps professionals and bystanders understand who these victims are and how they respond to being attacked (2018).
Report Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Sexual Assault, Victims March 14, 2023
Violence during pregnancy & the postpartum period
This study details the common increase in violence during and after pregnancy. Risk factors for violence, as well as outcomes for women who are pregnant or postpartum are discussed (2012).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution, Sexual Assault Awareness Month March 14, 2023
Violence and abuse in rural America
This online guide addresses the wide range of abuses that take place in rural communities. Statistics for homicide, sexual crimes, domestic violence, and others are provided and explained (2017).
Report DV, Homicide, Rural, Sexual Assault, Weapons March 14, 2023
Victim contact in abusive partner intervention: The importance of collaboration
This document highlights programs with victim contact processes, addresses safety challenges. inherent in this work, and offers considerations and best practices for safe and effective implementation (2020).
Report Advocacy, Collaboration, DV, Victims March 14, 2023
The facts about abuse in military families
This research provides statistics on the prevalence of domestic abuse in military families. Data includes PTSD rates, monthly compensation, and active-duty abuse experiences (2016).
Report DV, Mental Health, Military, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Victims March 14, 2023
Study: Domestic violence during pregnancy doubles risk of preterm birth, low birth weight
This University of Iowa study finds that violence by a partner or ex-partner during pregnancy doubles the risk of pre-term birth, low birth weight, and small babies (2016).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution February 24, 2023
Short-term outcomes for users of the National Domestic Violence Hotline & loveisrespect
This report examines the effectiveness of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, as well as Love Is Respect's online resources(2020).
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse, CCR, Technology February 22, 2023
More than just a piece of paper: A toolkit for advocates on firearms & domestic violence during COVID-19
This guide is a result of interviews, focus groups, and working with communications professionals to develop new strategies for engaging people on intimate partner violence and firearms (2021).
Report DV, Weapons February 22, 2023
International Association of Chiefs of Police: Intimate partner violence response policy & training content guidelines
This IACP training guide offers recommendations for law enforcement's response to intimate partner violence, and how to make arrest decisions on-scene (Uploaded 2020).
Report CCR, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Sexual Assault February 22, 2023
Impact of domestic violence on women’s mental health
This study details the increased risk of mental health problems among female victims of domestic violence. The paper focuses primarily on depression and psychotic symptoms among DV victims (2015).
Report DV, Mental Health, Victims February 21, 2023
Human trafficking lurks in rural areas
This article examines human trafficking in rural America, providing clues for detection as well as plans of action (2018).
Report Human Trafficking, Rural February 21, 2023
Facts & stats report, updated & expanded 2020: Domestic violence in Asian & Pacific Islander homes
This report raises awareness about the experiences of Asian & Pacific Islander survivors of domestic violence and emphasizes the need for socio-culturally effective prevention and intervention(2020).
Report CCR, Family Justice Center, Stalking February 21, 2023
Compliance monitoring in domestic violence cases: A guide for courts
This guide outlines best practices to help courts develop or enhance compliance calendars. It provides examples from jurisdictions across the country who are implementing effective compliance calendars that increase defendant and respondent accountability and victim safety (2019).
Report DV, Systemic Change February 1, 2023
Committed to Safety for ALL Survivors: Guidance for Domestic Violence Programs on Supporting Survivors Who Use Substances
"The goal of this guide is to assist programs and advocates in supporting survivors who use substances by providing practical strategies embedded within an accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed approach (2020)."
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month February 1, 2023
Breaking down the barriers that affect rural victims of domestic violence
This web post examines the several factors that prevent abused women in rural communities from seeking help. Barriers such as isolation, cultural norms, and finances all inhibit these victims from obtaining justice (2017).
Report Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Sexual Assault February 1, 2023
Between compassion & accountability: Guidelines for faith leaders responding to people who abuse intimate partners
This guide discusses domestic violence within faith communities and how leaders can effectively support victims and respond to perpetrators (2020).
Report CCR, Expert Witnesses February 1, 2023
Advocate Guide to Lease Termination
This TCFV guide serves to assist advocates in supporting survivors of family violence to terminate their residential lease effectively(2020).
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse February 1, 2023
Abuse: The Dark Side of Dating on Campus
This article focuses on the negative reality of many teen and college relationships, including stalking, sexual assault, and dating violence (2017).
Report Campus Safety, Campus Safety Awareness Month, DV, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence February 1, 2023
The Weak Evidence for Batter Program Alternatives
This research focuses on batterer intervention programs and the most effective types of programming found by researchers and providers (2011).
Report Children, Human Trafficking, Offender Accountability January 27, 2023
The war at home: Military service & domestic violence
The authors introduce and study a long-term link between military service and post-service behavior (2015).
Report DV, Military, Offenders January 27, 2023
The stereotyped offender: Domestic violence & the failure of intervention
This article delves into the historical context of batterer stereotypes, and suggests limits to our understanding of IPV offenders (2015).
Report DV, Offender Accountability, Offenders, Systemic Change January 27, 2023
The need for school-based teen dating violence prevention
This document presents a case for the inclusion of teen dating violence prevention programs in middle and high schools (2013).
Report Children, Systemic Change, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
The need for accountability to, and support for, children of men on domestic violence perpetrator programs
This U.K. study is based on a survey of 44 domestic violence services and 73 interviews with men who were in, or had completed, a program to explore possible positive outcomes for children (2013).
Report Children, DV, Interviews, Offender Accountability, Offenders, Systemic Change January 27, 2023
The Lethality Assessment Program: Which Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Are Most Likely to Participate?
This paper analyzes the differential use of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) across female survivors of IPV in four police jurisdictions in Oklahoma (2016).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology January 27, 2023
The evaluation of non-fatal strangulation in the health care setting
This paper details evaluation techniques for nurses and doctors involved with non-fatal strangulation cases (2016).
Report Medical, Strangulation January 27, 2023
Technology, teen dating violence & abuse, & bullying
This project expands knowledge about the types of violence and abuse experiences youth have via technology, and how the experience of such cyber abuse within teen dating relationships or through bullying relates to other life factors (2013).
Report Technology, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
Strangulation, domestic violence, & the legal response
This article discusses the risks and concerns associated with non-fatal strangulation, as well as the legal responses to strangulation by the U.S., Canada, and Australia.
Report Legislation, Strangulation, Systemic Change January 27, 2023
Social Consequences of Disparagement Humor: A Prejudiced Norm Theory
The prejudiced norm theory specifies the social-psychological processes by which exposure to disparagement humor uniquely affects the tolerance of discrimination against members of groups targeted by the humor. The authors in this study ose that a norm of tolerance of discrimination implied by disparagement humor functions as a source of self-regulation for people high in prejudice (2004).
Report Advocacy, Bystanders, Military, Prosecution, Strangulation, Technology, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Weapons January 27, 2023
Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs): An Empirical Review of Their Effectiveness & Challenges to Implementation
This article summarizes the development of SARTs in the U.S., reviews the literature of their effectiveness, and discusses the challenges they face, which may hamper their effectiveness (2012).
Report DV Awareness Month, High Risk Team, Homelessness, Interviews, Technology January 27, 2023
Rural survivors and economic security
This policy brief focuses on rural survivors of domestic and sexual violence and how the characteristics of rural life have an effect on the survivor's ability to be economically secure and access safety (2013).
Report DV, Rural, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
Rural Disparity in Domestic Violence Prevalence & Access to Resources
The purpose of this study is to determine if prevalence, frequency, and severity of IPV differ by rurality and to identify variance in geographic access to IPV resources (November 2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Immigration Awareness Month January 27, 2023
Rural community violence
This paper focuses rural community violence and the root causes that plague so many communities. The study asserts that the lack of attention to this violence is a misperception that the violence is non-existent or less serious in rural communities (2016).
Report DV, Homicide, Rural, Sexual Assault January 27, 2023
Responses from the Field: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, & Policing
This research is comprised of narratives from government officials, advocates, and service providers with a link to domestic and sexual violence. The purpose of this collection is to help develop and implement future policy (October 2015).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Home Visitation, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution January 27, 2023
Recognizing, treating, & preventing trauma in LGBTQ youth
This article provides an overview of trauma as well as experiences of traumas specific to LGBTQ youth (2017).
Report LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Systemic Change, Technology, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
Recent developments: Domestic violence in the digital age: Towards the creation of a comprehensive cyberstalking statute
The authors discuss the current state of criminal cyberstalking statutes at the state and federal levels (2013).
Report DV, Legislation, Stalking, Technology, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
Putting the System Back into Systems Change: A Framework for Understanding & Changing Organizational & Community Systems
This research examines the concept of systems change, as it has emerged as a dominant frame thorugh which national, state, and local practitioners in a variety of fields approach their work. The paper also covers the importance of attending to both deep and apparent structures within a system as well as the interactions and interdependencies among these system parts (May 2007).
Report Advocacy, Military, Prosecution January 27, 2023
Psychological impact of stalking on male & female health care professional victims of stalking & domestic violence
This paper investigates stalking experiences of health care professionals who were also victims of domestic violence (2018).
Report DV, Medical, Stalking, Victims January 27, 2023
Protective Orders in Rural & Urban Areas: A Multiple Perspective Study
This study is one of the first to examine the protective order process, barriers, and outcomes by combining qualitative and quantitative research in rural and urban areas (July 2005).
Report Children, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Technology January 27, 2023
Protection orders & intimate partner violence: An 18-month study of 150 black, hispanic, & white women
This study comments on the perceived effectiveness of protective orders among black, hispanic, and white women.  The results show significant decreases in threats of assault, stalking, and worksite harassment over time among all women, regardless of receipt of a protection order (2004).
Report Cultural Issues, DV, Immigration, Judges, Legislation January 27, 2023
Police Departments’ Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation
Although calling the police is a common stategy used to help abused women, it is not usually deemed the most effective. This paper seeks to identify the strenghts of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP), and its effectiveness in police-responder intervention (July 2014).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology January 27, 2023
Perceptions of domestic violence: Leaving vs. staying in abusive relationships
This paper examines whether participants' attributions of blame and responsibility toward a DV victim were influenced by whether or not she left the abuser (2014).
Report Bystanders, DV, Victims January 27, 2023
Partnering with Community-Based Organizations to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence
This article examines IPV in Latina communities. Because of fear, distrust, and cultural barriers, these victims often avoid formal resources, even when they are experiencing extreme IPV. In order to develop effective interventions, Latinas' voices in research must be used, and organizations must collaborate with community-based organizations (CBOs). (March 2009).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Military, Prosecution, Technology, Weapons January 27, 2023
Non-fatal strangulation documentation toolkit
This document provides first responders with tools for detection and documentation in non-fatal strangulation cases (2016).
Report Medical, Strangulation January 27, 2023
Motivating perpetrators of domestic & family violence to engage in behaviour change: The role of fatherhood
This paper looks at the impact of children on perpetrators' desire to change their behavior. The authors explore the role of fatherhood as a motivating factor for offenders to engage in behavior change programs (2016).
Report Children, DV, Offender Accountability, Offenders January 27, 2023
Missing Voices: Patterns of Battered Women’s Satisfaction with the Criminal Legal System
This research explores IPV survivors' patterns of satisfaction with the criminal legal system response. Implications for improving the criminal legal system response to survivors of IPV are discussed (February 2002).
Report Advocacy, Aquatic Crimes, Children, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Expert Witnesses, FRTs, High Risk Team, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Prosecution, Technology January 27, 2023
Marital rape: The long arch of sexual violence against women & girls
This paper studies the problem of marital rape in a variety of countries, and examines how legal systems and political actors contribute to shaming and stigmatization in cases of rape (2016).
Report Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Cultural Issues, Judges, Legislation, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change, Victims January 27, 2023
LGBTQ issues in teen dating violence
This fact sheet reports on the issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in teen dating violence relationships (Uploaded 2018).
Report DV, LGBTQ+, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
Intimate partner violence in urban, rural, & remote areas: An investigation of offense severity & risk factors
Although this study primarily takes place in Sweden, it compares the severity of IPV and the relationship between risk factors for IPV and overall risk judgments of future IPV in urban, rural, and remote areas (2018).
Report DV, Offenders, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural January 27, 2023
Intimate partner violence in rural U.S. areas: What every nurse should know
This article describes the unique aspects of intimate partner violence in rural populations. It also describes a simple screening tool that can be used in various settings (2014).
Report DV, Medical, Rural January 27, 2023
Intimate Partner Violence in Rural America
Despite the alarming rates of IPV across the U.S., women in rural areas face obstacles that impair their ability to get help. Lack of an adequate health care and criminal justice system are barriers for these victims of domestic violence. This study examines the many challenges that rural victims face, and how to create a coordinated, systemic change in rural America (March 2015).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology January 27, 2023
Intimate partner violence among LGBTQ+ college students
This document provides the rates and patterns of IPV among LGBTQ+ and responses by collegiate institutions (2014).
Report Campus Safety, DV, LGBTQ+, Teen Dating Violence January 27, 2023
Integrating intimate partner violence assessment & intervention into healthcare in the United States: A systems approach
This article outlines a systems approach to the implementation of IPV screening and counseling, with a focus on integrated health and advocacy service delivery to support identification and interventions (2015).
Report DV, Medical, Risk Assessment/LAP, Systemic Change, Victims January 27, 2023
Immigrants & protection orders bench card
This bench card provides details for immigrants and what will happen to their immigration status when they file for and are issued a protective order.  It also examines penalties committed by an abuser that would lead to deportation (2013).
Report DV, Immigration, Legislation January 27, 2023
How Do Survivors Define Success?
This report examines how survivors of domestic violence define success for themselves.  The authors also answer the question of how DV advocates and practitioners define success for DV survivors.  The research finds a significant disconnect between how survivors and other stakeholder groups understand survivor success (October 2014).
Report Advocacy, Children, Military, Technology January 27, 2023
Guidance on the Use of Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) During the Administration of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP)
This document covers the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence on the use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement during the Lethality Assessment Program. Following the research, the report concluded that LE not record any part of the LAP (June 2016).
Report Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration, Technology, Technology Safety Awareness Month January 27, 2023
Factors of Isolation: Rural Domestic Violence in an Underserved Texas County
This study explores the phenomenon of DV in an underserved rural Texas county with emphasis on the experiences of selected residents. The factors discussed in this study include social control, law enforcement, churches, and community attitudes, all of which were factors contributing to isolation (August 2002).
Report Children, Immigration Awareness Month, Mental Health January 27, 2023
Exploring the links between components of coordinated community responses & their impact on contact with intimate partner violence services
This paper examines the impact of CCRs on women's exposure to IPV and contact with IPV services (2008).
Report Advocacy, CCR, DV, Victims January 27, 2023
Enhancing coordinated community responses to reduce recidivism in cases of domestic violence
This study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of CCRs, and suggest areas for enhancement in order to reduce DV recidivism (2002).
Report Advocacy, CCR, DV, Victims January 27, 2023
Domestic violence & the military
This study examines the increased stress and demands of military readiness placed on military families, which can often result in family violence incidents (2016).
Report DV, Military January 27, 2023
Domestic homicide risk factors: Rural & urban considerations
This Ontario-based study examines 132 domestic homicide cases to determine the differences between rural and urban risk factors (2015).
Report Alcohol/Drugs, DV, Homicide, Offenders, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural, Weapons January 27, 2023
Differentiating among attempted, completed, & multiple nonfatal strangulation in women experiencing intimate partner violence
This data examines the prevalence and correlates of nonfatal strangulation among female survivors of IPV (2018).
Report Strangulation, Victims January 27, 2023
Countering Confusion about the Duluth Model
This report analyzes batterer treatment models, specifically the Duluth Model, which has received intense criticism over the years.
Report Children, Human Trafficking, Offender Accountability January 27, 2023
Coordinated Community Responses to Intimate Partner Violence: Where Do We Go from Here?
This article suggests future directions for coordinated community responses. The research highlightsthe importance of identifying which specific services are effective before efforts are made to combine and coordinate those services or interventions (2008).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution, Technology January 27, 2023
Coordinated Community Response Components for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: A Review of the Literature
This article reviews the literature on several CCR components, and suggests directions for future research on CCRs for IPV victims (2014).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Interviews, Military, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology January 27, 2023
Controversies in batterer intervention programs: Doing good, well
This article examines a specific BIPP model, the Duluth Model.  The authors focus on the program's implementation in Ann Arbor, Micihigan, commenting on its efficacy and methodology (2017).
Report DV, Offender Accountability, Offenders January 27, 2023
Community policing & victim services in Texas
This report explains how community policing may enhance services to victims by defining community policing (2011).
Report Advocacy, Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Collaboration, DV, Texas Specific January 27, 2023
Community Policing & Family Violence Against Women: Lessons Learned from a Multiagency Collaborative
This report analyzes the process of a multiagency collaborative involving a large, municipal police department and other service providers as an attempt to find meaningful solutions to family violence against women in a southwestern metropolitan area (2001).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Military, Technology January 27, 2023
Collaborative Effort & the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Training Toward Resolving Domestic Violence
This project was funded by the National Institute of Justice to combat violence against women in Texas. Components of this research included introducing researchers as academic resources for the collaborative in the area of domestic violence theory. Additionally, the project monitored the process of inter-agency collaboration in DV work, and provided an evaluation of the effects of inter-agency DV training (January 2002).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Interviews, Mental Health, Military January 27, 2023
Collaboration Multiplier: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Multi-Field Collaboration
Collaboration Multiplier is a tool for enhancing collaborative efforts across diverse fields. This guide is a good resource for those interested in coordinating efforts in various careers and sectors (2011).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution January 27, 2023
Collaboration Math: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Multidisciplinary Collaboration
Although primarily focused on traffic safety, this paper describes "Collaboration Math," a tool developed to help individuals representing different disciplines to work together effectively (September 2003).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution January 25, 2023
Collaboration Between Federal & Local Law Enforcement: An Examination of Texas Police Chiefs’ Perceptions
This paper examines a sample of Texas police chiefs concerning their perceptions of the level of collaboration that is occurring between their respective departments and federal agencies (October 2011).
Report Children, Elder Abuse, Home Visitation, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Mental Health, Military January 25, 2023
Citations & Convictions: One Community’s Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence & Efforts toward Offender Accountability
This research discusses the effectiveness of a coordinated community response in a mid-sized Midwestern city (May 2015).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Military January 25, 2023
Characteristics of the Residential Neighborhood Environment Differentiate Intimate Partner Femicide in Urban Rural Settings
Few studies have examined the influence of neighborhood context on intimate partner femicide (IPF). In this study, the authors examine the role for neighborhood-level factors in differentiating urban and rural IPFs in Wisconsin (2013).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Immigration Awareness Month, Military, Strangulation January 25, 2023
Building Evidence for Domestic Violence Services & Interventions
This article's purpose is to describe the current state of evidence for DV services and interventions, as well as highlight innovate and concrete areas of opportunity. (January 2017).
Report Advocacy, Children, Prosecution January 25, 2023
Blueprint to Guide Development of Domestic Violence Protocols
This guide provides blueprints and details for protocols involving victims of domestic violence (2006).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Military January 25, 2023
Batterers: A review of violence & risk assessment tools
This article serves to bring awareness of the many factors, including neurobiology and neuropsychology, that contribute to the development of a batterer (2011).
Report DV, Offenders, Risk Assessment/LAP, Sexual Assault January 25, 2023
Barriers to help-seeking among immigrant African women survivors of partner abuse: Listening to women’s own voices
This paper focuses on help-seeking barriers and factors impacting decisions to leave an abusive relationship among 15 immigrant African women. Barriers found in this study include a culture of gender inequality, acceptance of gender violence, concern for children, and self-blame (2009).
Report Cultural Issues, DV, Immigration, Systemic Change, Victims January 25, 2023
Barriers to help seeking for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & queer survivors of intimate partner violence
This document suggests three major barriers to seeking help for LGBTQ+ survivors of IPV (2015).
Report Advocacy, DV, Law Enforcement, LGBTQ+ January 25, 2023
Assessing the Protective Order Process in Harris County: Safety Assessment Findings & Recommendations
Harris County, TX has the highest number of women who are killed by their intimate partners. The Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council has made significant efforts to collaborate with the community and reduce these deaths (September 2014).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, High Risk Team, Military January 25, 2023
Addressing domestic violence in immigrant communities
This article details the threats and barriers faced by battered immigrant women who are married to both U.S. citizens and immigrants. One of the most significant barriers discussed is the threat of deportation by the abuser (2000).
Report DV, Immigration, Legislation, Systemic Change, Victims January 25, 2023
Academia Meets Community Agency: How to Foster Positive Collaboration in Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Work
This document examines the importance of collaboration between members of academia and service agencies in order to effectively combat and respond to domestic and sexual violence. The authors provide suggestions and methods of how to create positive, collaborative relationships between academicians and service providers (March 2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Interviews, Military, Strangulation January 25, 2023
A systematic review of the epidemiology of nonfatal strangulation, a human rights & health concern
The authors uncover the literature on the epidemiology of nonfatal strangulation by an intimate partner (2014).
Report Judges, Medical, Strangulation, Systemic Change, Victims January 25, 2023
A stalker’s paradise: How intimate partner abusers exploit technology
This article details how abusers in IPV contexts use technology to threaten, intimidate, monitor, harass, or harm their victims (2018).
Report Offenders, Stalking, Technology January 25, 2023
A Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence
This paper chronicles the Duluth Project, which is a pioneer in coordinated community responses to domestic violence and sexual assault. The Duluth Project is a system of networks, agreements, and applied principles created by the local shelter movement, criminal justice agencies, and human services programs developed in northern Minnesota (January 1997).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution, Technology January 25, 2023
A comparison of intimate partner & other sexual assault survivors’ use of different types of specialized hospital-based violence services
This paper analyzes the use of acute care services for sexual assault victims, as well as survivor and assault characteristics (2017).
Report Medical, Sexual Assault, Victims January 25, 2023
A Comparison of the Batterer Intervention & Prevention Program with Alternative Court Dispositions on 12-Month Recidivism
This study examined the effectiveness of batterer intervention and prevention programs (BIPP) for cases assigned to a misdemeanor family court (2015).
Report Advocacy, Human Trafficking, Offender Accountability January 25, 2023
A campus LGBTQ community’s sexual violence & stalking expriences: The contribution of a pro-abuse peer support
This article presents data on ways in which negative peer support contributes to sexual violence and stalking in a campus LGBTQ community (2017).
Report Advocacy, Campus Safety, DV, LGBTQ+, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence January 25, 2023
A Call for Social Network-Oriented Approach to Services for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
This paper calls for a shift in domestic violence services toward a more network-oriented approach. Such a shift would require a reframing of the role of DV practitioners and the scope and nature of services (2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Military, Prosecution January 24, 2023