Resource Library
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Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury |
ICCR Webinar: Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury presented by Rachel Ramirez.
Webinar | DV, Medical, Trauma | Download |
Are You in Network? How to Support Survivors in a Healthcare Setting |
ICCR Webinar: Are You in Network? How to Support Survivors in a Healthcare Setting presented by Amanda Elkanick Oder & Bronwyn Blake.
Webinar | Medical, Victims | Download |
Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury |
Often referred to as the “invisible injury”, this webinar will focus on partner-inflicted brain injuries: how to identify them including signs and symptoms, how to talk to survivors about your concerns, and resources available for practitioners in the field.
Webinar | DV, DV Awareness Month, Medical, Neurobiology | Download |
Healthcare Implications for Intimate Partner Violence & Human Trafficking |
The webinar focuses on strategies to build both internal and external community relationships in the field of intimate partner and trafficking violence. Implementing strategic organizational changes within healthcare settings allows for understanding of the opportunity for healthcare professionals to screen patients for intimate partner violence/human trafficking in a trauma informed manner and refer to community resources. This practice and implementation can be utilized in rural and urban healthcare centers, including hospitals and community clinics.
Webinar | DV, DV Awareness Month, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Medical | Download |
Are You in Network? How to Support Survivors in a Healthcare Setting |
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been considered a public health issue since the 1960s. However, research shows that only 10-25% of victims seek any type of traditional victim services; but almost everyone visits the doctor. As a result, healthcare professionals are often the only potential point of intervention for victims and must have the tools in place to address IPV in their clinics and offices. In this webinar, attendees will learn about the prevalence of intimate partner violence, ways to implement effective screening, and trauma-informed practices for addressing these health harming legal needs. The presenters will share how the Texas Advocacy Project can provide free legal help for patients in need.
Webinar | Advocacy, Medical | Download |
Episode 4: Aquatic abuse homicide |
Andrea Zaferes is a medicolegal death investigator who specializes in the handling of aquatic cases from the crime scene to the courtroom. Recognized in multiple jurisdictions and by the U.S. Army as an expert witness in bodies-found-in-water and aquatic death investigations, Zaferes has trained dive teams, law enforcement, medical examiners, and many others for over 30 years. A member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame, Andrea is also an author, public speaker, and a regular presenter at the Conference on Crimes Against Women. This episode focuses on Aquatic Abuse Homicide– cases that often appear at first as tragic accidents, aquatic homicide is a pattern of homicidal activity that occurs more often than one might realize. Today, aquatic homicide is a well-honed field of investigation that requires both specific training and crime scene methodology. Content warnings for this episode include: Physical violence, child abuse, sexual violence, drug/alcohol abuse, suicide/self-harm (2020).
Podcast | Homicide, Investigation, Medical | Download |
Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault in Rural Areas |
This article discusses obstacles to reporting sexual assault in rural areas and the need for more research concerning sexual assault in these communities (2009).
Article | Advocacy, Investigation, Medical, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change | Download |
The evaluation of non-fatal strangulation in the health care setting |
This paper details evaluation techniques for nurses and doctors involved with non-fatal strangulation cases (2016).
Report | Medical, Strangulation | Download |
Psychological impact of stalking on male & female health care professional victims of stalking & domestic violence |
This paper investigates stalking experiences of health care professionals who were also victims of domestic violence (2018).
Report | DV, Medical, Stalking, Victims | Download |
Non-fatal strangulation documentation toolkit |
This document provides first responders with tools for detection and documentation in non-fatal strangulation cases (2016).
Report | Medical, Strangulation | Download |
Intimate partner violence in rural U.S. areas: What every nurse should know |
This article describes the unique aspects of intimate partner violence in rural populations. It also describes a simple screening tool that can be used in various settings (2014).
Report | DV, Medical, Rural | Download |
Integrating intimate partner violence assessment & intervention into healthcare in the United States: A systems approach |
This article outlines a systems approach to the implementation of IPV screening and counseling, with a focus on integrated health and advocacy service delivery to support identification and interventions (2015).
Report | DV, Medical, Risk Assessment/LAP, Systemic Change, Victims | Download |
Current evidence: Intimate partner violence, trauma-related mental health conditions, & chronic illness |
This information sheet presents current evidence on the physical and mental consequences of IPV (2014).
Fact Sheet | DV, Medical, Mental Health, Neurobiology, Sexual Assault, Victims | Download |
A systematic review of the epidemiology of nonfatal strangulation, a human rights & health concern |
The authors uncover the literature on the epidemiology of nonfatal strangulation by an intimate partner (2014).
Report | Judges, Medical, Strangulation, Systemic Change, Victims | Download |
A comparison of intimate partner & other sexual assault survivors’ use of different types of specialized hospital-based violence services |
This paper analyzes the use of acute care services for sexual assault victims, as well as survivor and assault characteristics (2017).
Report | Medical, Sexual Assault, Victims | Download |