Resource Library
Title | ||||
An Integrated Response to Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation |
ICCR Webinar: An Integrated Response to Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation presented by Dr. Tara Shelley, Dr. Kathy Brown, Chief Billy Cordell, & Chief Casey Davis.
Webinar | DV, Rural, Strangulation | Download |
Fact or Expert: An Introduction to the Ethical Role and Use of Expert Witness |
ICCR Webinar: Fact or Expert: An Introduction to the Ethical Role and Use of Expert Witness presented by Margaret Bassett.
Webinar | DV, Expert Witnesses, Rural | Download |
Sexual Assault Roll Call |
ICCR Webinar: Sexual Assault Roll Call presented by Kristin Daley & Kenny Smith.
Webinar | Law Enforcement, Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Download |
Rural Family Justice Centers |
ICCR Webinar: Rural Family Justice Centers presented by Ken Shetter & Kristie Chandler.
Webinar | Family Justice Center, Rural | Download |
Creating Stability Within High Risk IPV Interventions Using Risk Assessments |
ICCR Webinar: Creating Stability Within High Risk IPV Interventions Using Risk Assessments presented by David M. Scott.
Webinar | Bystander Intervention, High Risk Team, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural | Download |
Enhancing Language Access in Rural Communities |
ICCR Webinar: Enhancing Language Access in Rural Communities presented by Jose Juan Lara, Jr.
Webinar | Advocacy, Cultural Issues, Rural | Download |
Rural Sexual Response Teams |
ICCR Webinar: Rural Sexual Response Teams presented by Fatima Jayoma & Miranda Gonzalez.
Webinar | Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Download |
Intimate Partner Violence Intervention |
ICCR Webinar: Intimate Partner Violence Intervention presented by Rachel Teicher.
Webinar | Bystander Intervention, Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Download |
Rural Collaborations to End Teen Dating Violence |
ICCR Webinar: Rural Collaborations to End Teen Dating Violence presented by D Dagondon Tiegs & Jessica Moreno.
Webinar | Rural, Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month | Download |
Opioid Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities |
ICCR Webinar: Opioid Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities presented by Dr. Rebecca Stone & Diane Kinney.
Webinar | Alcohol/Drugs, DV, DV Awareness Month, Rural | Download |
Hand in Hand: Law Enforcement Serving in Order to Protect |
ICCR Webinar: Hand in Hand: Law Enforcement Serving in Order to Protect presented by Denise Jones.
Webinar | Law Enforcement, Rural | Download |
Core Strategies to Reduce Systemic Inequities for All Survivors in Rural Communities |
ICCR Webinar: Core Strategies to Reduce Systemic Inequities for All Survivors in Rural Communities presented by Amalfi Parker Elder.
Webinar | Rural, Systemic Change, Victims | Download |
Transgender Survivors |
ICCR Webinar: A roadmap through rural and urban communities to improve services and advocacy presented by Michael Munson.
Webinar | Advocacy, LGBTQ+, Rural, Victims | Download |
Enhancing Language Access in Rural Communities |
Crime victims who are limited English proficient (LEP) or use different modes of communication such as sign language need meaningful, effective, and equal access to crime victim services and criminal justice supports. This webinar will address the barriers victims who are LEP or use different modes of communication encounter and how to enhance their access to justice in rural communities.
Webinar | Cultural Issues, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month, Rural, Tribal Issues | Download |
Rural Sexual Assault Response Teams |
The Sexual Violence Justice Institute a program of the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault will present on building a baseline knowledge of systems-change sexual assault response teams (SARTs). The training will also provide SARTs with the knowledge and tools for effective multidisciplinary teamwork.
Webinar | Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Download |
Rural Collaborations to End Teen Dating Violence |
Collaborative efforts are essential to end teen dating violence. While many collaborative teams and service providers were initially created with adult survivors in mind, it’s important to understand the unique needs and barriers young survivors face. This session will help collaborative teams assess readiness for working with and serving youth, and includes tools, reflection questions, and suggested protocols for collaborative, community-based efforts to address teen dating violence in rural communities. Special attention is given to meaningful integration of young people into collaborative work.
Webinar | Collaboration, Rural, Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month | Download |
Opiod Use & Domestic Violence in Rural Communities |
This presentation will describe a community-based participatory research project to understand rural Vermont residents’ experiences of co-occurring opioid use and intimate partner violence. This multi-stage and multi-method project involved a qualitative needs assessment with a community sample of people with lived experience of opioid use and partner violence, a community brainstorming event, the development of an online cross-training for peer recovery coaches and survivor advocates, and evaluation of the cross-training curriculum. Dr. Stone and Ms. Kinney will also discuss other challenges and opportunities related to the project and to meeting the needs of rural residents seeking safety and recovery.
Webinar | Alcohol/Drugs, DV, DV Awareness Month, Rural | Download |
Core Strategies to Reduce Systemic Inequities for All Survivors in Rural Communities |
Coordinated community responses (CCRs) to domestic violence have been successful over the past forty years in leveraging the criminal legal system to hold abusers accountable and send messages of help to survivors. Although some survivors have found safety, many others have, in fact, been negatively impacted by systemic intervention. In rural communities, such inequities can result when law enforcement is ill-equipped to meet the communication needs of Deaf survivors or when shelters are unprepared to meet the needs of survivors with mental illnesses. Rural CCRs need practical, concrete tools and strategies to identify and reduce systemic inequities so that ALL survivors in their communities experience increased safety, help, and support.
Webinar | CCR, Rural, Systemic Change, Victims | Download |
Violence and abuse in rural America |
This online guide addresses the wide range of abuses that take place in rural communities. Statistics for homicide, sexual crimes, domestic violence, and others are provided and explained (2017).
Report | DV, Homicide, Rural, Sexual Assault, Weapons | Download |
Rural Behavioral Health Webinars |
The Rural Behavior Webinar Series provides resources and information on how to approach mental health in rural communities, and the obstacles that plague that demographic (2019).
Webinar | Mental Health, Neurobiology, Rural, Systemic Change | Download |
Human trafficking lurks in rural areas |
This article examines human trafficking in rural America, providing clues for detection as well as plans of action (2018).
Report | Human Trafficking, Rural | Download |
Elder abuse in Indian country |
This webinar, presented by the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, explores elder abuse in Indian Country, as well as best practices to detect and investigate it (2017).
Webinar | Elder Abuse, Rural, Tribal Issues, Victims | Download |
Collaborating to address trafficking in rural communities: Lessons from the field |
This Futures Without Violence webinar focuses on trafficking in rural areas, and how collaboration can facilitate more effective investigations and prosecution. (2016).
Webinar | Collaboration, Human Trafficking, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Rural | Download |
Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault in Rural Areas |
This article discusses obstacles to reporting sexual assault in rural areas and the need for more research concerning sexual assault in these communities (2009).
Article | Advocacy, Investigation, Medical, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault, Systemic Change | Download |
A Rural Barrier |
This article focuses on isolation as the core barrier facing victims of domestic violence in rural areas. The study uses evidence from several nationwide reports on rural domestic violence (2015).
Blog | Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Rural, Sexual Assault | Download |
A day in the life of an APS worker in rural America |
This article examines the role of APS workers in rural America, the extensive problem of elder abuse and neglect, and the difficulty of investigating these crimes in rural areas (2017).
Blog | Advocacy, Elder Abuse, Personal Stories, Rural, Victims | Download |
Sex trafficking & rural communities: A review of the literature |
This literature review examines recent studies on rural human trafficking, and provides recommendations and implications for future research, policy, and practice (2017).
Academic Article | Advocacy, Human Trafficking, Rural | Download |
Rural survivors and economic security |
This policy brief focuses on rural survivors of domestic and sexual violence and how the characteristics of rural life have an effect on the survivor's ability to be economically secure and access safety (2013).
Report | DV, Rural, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence | Download |
Rural Domestic & Sexual Abuse Program Advocates: Making a Difference in the Lives of Older Survivors of Abuse |
This paper provides rural domestic and sexual abuse service programs with possible resources and tools to effectively respond to elder abuse. Definitions of elder abuse are given, as well as ideas and perspectives for serving older victims (September 2013).
Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Rural, Technology | Download | |
Rural community violence |
This paper focuses rural community violence and the root causes that plague so many communities. The study asserts that the lack of attention to this violence is a misperception that the violence is non-existent or less serious in rural communities (2016).
Report | DV, Homicide, Rural, Sexual Assault | Download |
Intimate partner violence in urban, rural, & remote areas: An investigation of offense severity & risk factors |
Although this study primarily takes place in Sweden, it compares the severity of IPV and the relationship between risk factors for IPV and overall risk judgments of future IPV in urban, rural, and remote areas (2018).
Report | DV, Offenders, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural | Download |
Intimate partner violence in rural U.S. areas: What every nurse should know |
This article describes the unique aspects of intimate partner violence in rural populations. It also describes a simple screening tool that can be used in various settings (2014).
Report | DV, Medical, Rural | Download |
Intimate partner violence in rural low-income families: Correlates & change in prevalence over the first 5 years of a child’s life |
This paper examines the prevalence, severity, and chronicity of IPV occurring in a high-risk sample (2016).
Academic Article | Children, DV, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural | Download |
Intimate Partner Violence in Rural America |
Despite the alarming rates of IPV across the U.S., women in rural areas face obstacles that impair their ability to get help. Lack of an adequate health care and criminal justice system are barriers for these victims of domestic violence. This study examines the many challenges that rural victims face, and how to create a coordinated, systemic change in rural America (March 2015).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology | Download |
Domestic homicide risk factors: Rural & urban considerations |
This Ontario-based study examines 132 domestic homicide cases to determine the differences between rural and urban risk factors (2015).
Report | Alcohol/Drugs, DV, Homicide, Offenders, Risk Assessment/LAP, Rural, Weapons | Download |