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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Enhancing Language Access in Rural Communities
Crime victims who are limited English proficient (LEP) or use different modes of communication such as sign language need meaningful, effective, and equal access to crime victim services and criminal justice supports. This webinar will address the barriers victims who are LEP or use different modes of communication encounter and how to enhance their access to justice in rural communities.
Webinar Cultural Issues, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month, Rural, Tribal Issues
What puts survivors at increased risk for suicide & how to help
This article discusses the prevalence of suicidality among survivors of sexual assault, and provides risks and warning signs (2018).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Mental Health, Tribal Issues
Unhelpful thinking patterns
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, discusses different types of unhelpful thinking patterns, and how to help challenge negative thoughts (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Traumatic events & post-traumatic symptoms in anorexia nervosa
This study assesses the prevalence of traumatic events in the two subtypes of anorexia nervosa, as well as investigates the differences in clusters of post-traumatic symptoms and emotional dysregulation between the two groups (2019).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Immigration Awareness Month
Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: An overview
This paper presents various therapeutic interventions for women experiencing intimate partner violence, as well as treatments for perpetrators (2016).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
The influence of abuse & trauma on eating disorders
This article examines the relationship between childhood abuse and eating disorders. Treatment for someone who has an eating disorder and is also a survivor of abuse must take all issues into account (2020).
Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Campus Safety Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month
The CBT triangle: Understanding the relationship between thoughts, feelings, & actions
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, unpacks the components of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) triangle and how it can be used effectively in work with clients (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Suicide prevention training for intimate partner violence hotline workers
This online training is comprised of 5 modules aimed to help advocates and hotline workers assess and respond to suicidal victims of intimate partner violence (Uploaded 2020).
eCourse Advocacy, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month, Sexual Assault
Suicide & intimate partner violence
This article discusses the close link between intimate partner violence and suicide. IPV survivors are twice as likely to attempt suicide multiple times, and cases of murder-suicide most likely occur in the context of abusive relationships (2014).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month, Stalking
Suicide & intimate partner violence
This webinar, presented by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, discusses the research findings on the connection between suicidality and intimate partner violence (2013).
Webinar Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
Refugee & Immigrant Center for Education & Legal Services
RAICES promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas.
Service Provider Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
The NNIRR works to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status. 
TTA Agency Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month
National Center for PTSD
This website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, provides resources and services for individuals diagnosed with PTSD (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month
Multicultural awareness & competence in counseling
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar discusses the importance of multicultural awareness and how to ensure your agency and staff are using best practices when working with clients of various backgrounds and ethnicities (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Family Justice Center, Immigration Awareness Month
Motivating with mindfulness: Sustainability in a time of crisis
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, discusses what mindfulness is and how to implement it in both work and personal lives (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Immigration Awareness Month, Stalking
Intimate partner violence & suicide prevention fact sheet
This fact sheet examines the risk factors of intimate partner violence and suicide among Veterans, and offers resources for awareness and prevention (Uploaded 2020).
Fact Sheet CCR, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Stalking
Intimate partner problems & suicide: Are we missing the violence?
This study attempts to determine what percentage of suicide cases from 2005-2015 in Kentucky involved violence when intimate partner problems were identified (2019).
Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
How trauma affects the brain
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar explains how trauma impacts the brain, as well as the fight, flight, and freeze response (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Exposure to violence linked to suicidal behavior
This webpage examines the correlation between intimate partner violence, mental illness, and suicidality among men, women, and children (Uploaded 2020).
Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
Enhanced safety planning for immigrant survivors of domestic & sexual violence
This advocacy-focused webinar, hosted by ASISTA, seeks to identify special immigration remedies for victims, including special VAWA provisions around confidentiality; and how to prepare enhanced safety plans for immigrant survivors  (2017).
Webinar Advocacy, DV, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Victims
Eating disorders, trauma, PTSD, & psychosocial resources
This study examines the frequency of traumatic events and comorbid PTSD in women with eating disorders. Additionally, the role of psychosocial resources is analyzed within the context of trauma and eating disorders (2015).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, Burnout, Immigration Awareness Month
Couple therapy for intimate partner violence: A systematic review & meta-analysis
This review compiles the results of six studies to determine the effectiveness of couple therapy as a treatment for violence (2016).
Academic Article Animal Abuse, CCR, Immigration Awareness Month
Committed to Safety for ALL Survivors: Guidance for Domestic Violence Programs on Supporting Survivors Who Use Substances
"The goal of this guide is to assist programs and advocates in supporting survivors who use substances by providing practical strategies embedded within an accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed approach (2020)."
Report Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Benefits of Deep Breathing
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar discusses the benefits of deep breathing for both clients and practitioners (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Overview
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, gives an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder and how this population may be more vulnerable to traumatic events (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
Art Therapy & Trauma: An Overview
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar provides an overview of art therapy and how it can be used when working with victims of trauma (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month
A systematic review on the relationship between antisocial, borderline, & narcissistic personality disorder diagnostic traits & risk of violence to others in a clinical & forensic sample
This study details the research provided on personality disorders and their relationship to violence. However, most research has solely focused on personality disorder diagnoses, and has ignored the correlation with violence. This paper outlines the necessity to combine the two methodologies in order to conduct better risk assessments (2016).
Academic Article Immigration Awareness Month, Stalking
A guide to self care: How to thrive during uncertainty
This Genesis Women's Shelter & Support webinar focuses on the importance of self care and establishing an intentional routine (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Cultural Issues, Immigration Awareness Month
A guide to mindfulness
This webinar, provided by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support, presents a guide to mindfulness and its benefits, including emotional centering and regulation (Uploaded 2020).
Webinar Cultural Issues, Homelessness, Immigration Awareness Month
Rural Domestic & Sexual Abuse Program Advocates: Making a Difference in the Lives of Older Survivors of Abuse
This paper provides rural domestic and sexual abuse service programs with possible resources and tools to effectively respond to elder abuse. Definitions of elder abuse are given, as well as ideas and perspectives for serving older victims (September 2013).
Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Rural, Technology
Rural Disparity in Domestic Violence Prevalence & Access to Resources
The purpose of this study is to determine if prevalence, frequency, and severity of IPV differ by rurality and to identify variance in geographic access to IPV resources (November 2011).
Report Advocacy, Children, Immigration Awareness Month
Protective Orders in Rural & Urban Areas: A Multiple Perspective Study
This study is one of the first to examine the protective order process, barriers, and outcomes by combining qualitative and quantitative research in rural and urban areas (July 2005).
Report Children, Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Technology
Intimate Partner Violence in Rural America
Despite the alarming rates of IPV across the U.S., women in rural areas face obstacles that impair their ability to get help. Lack of an adequate health care and criminal justice system are barriers for these victims of domestic violence. This study examines the many challenges that rural victims face, and how to create a coordinated, systemic change in rural America (March 2015).
Report Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology
Forms of Domestic Violence that Immigrant Women May Experience
Graphic DV, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month
Factors of Isolation: Rural Domestic Violence in an Underserved Texas County
This study explores the phenomenon of DV in an underserved rural Texas county with emphasis on the experiences of selected residents. The factors discussed in this study include social control, law enforcement, churches, and community attitudes, all of which were factors contributing to isolation (August 2002).
Report Children, Immigration Awareness Month, Mental Health
Domestic Violence in Rural Communities
Domestic violence courts' key principles are transferable to rural and suburban dockets. This paper illustrates how to integrate key domestic violence court principles into local practice (2005).
Article Advocacy, Children, Expert Witnesses, FRTs, High Risk Team, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month
Characteristics of the Residential Neighborhood Environment Differentiate Intimate Partner Femicide in Urban Rural Settings
Few studies have examined the influence of neighborhood context on intimate partner femicide (IPF). In this study, the authors examine the role for neighborhood-level factors in differentiating urban and rural IPFs in Wisconsin (2013).
Report Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Immigration Awareness Month, Military, Strangulation
Change & Continuity in Crime in Rural America
This paper details what is known about rural crime and suggests likely issues for the future. The authors make the distinction between the reality of rural versus urban crime, and the obstacles that face both of them.
Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Military
A Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence
This paper chronicles the Duluth Project, which is a pioneer in coordinated community responses to domestic violence and sexual assault. The Duluth Project is a system of networks, agreements, and applied principles created by the local shelter movement, criminal justice agencies, and human services programs developed in northern Minnesota (January 1997).
Report Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution, Technology