Resource Library
Title | ||||
Understanding the Experience and Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence |
ICCR Webinar: Understanding the Experience and Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence presented by Maggy McGiffert & Julie Olomi.
Webinar | Domestic Violence, DV, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Victims | Download |
Understanding the Experiences & Needs of Older Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence |
This webinar will highlight the results from a study, Older Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence: Understanding Gaps in Systems Responses and Community Services in Texas, conducted by the University of Central Florida and the University of Texas Medical Branch Center for Violence Prevention. This project, a collaboration with Texas Council on Family Violence and Texas Association Against Family Violence, assesses the needs and experiences of female-identified Texas survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, aged 50 and older, and offers recommendations and promising practices for supporting older survivors.
Webinar | DV, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Download |
The abuse intervention model: A pragmatic approach to intervention for elder mistreatment |
This webinar, hosted by the National Center on Elder Abuse, discusses new methods for intervention in elder abuse cases, and how to effectively approach the issue as a whole (2017).
Webinar | DV, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month | Download |
Texas Elder Abuse & Mistreatment Institute |
The TEAM Institute strives to improve and protect the lives of mistreated elders through clinical care and forensic assessment, education, research and justice.
Service Provider | Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month | Download |
National Center on Elder Abuse |
The NCEA serves as a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder abuse. The organization disseminates elder abuse information to professionals and the public, and provides training to states and community organizations.
TTA Agency | Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month | Download |
IACP Communities of Color Toolkit |
This toolkit collects some of the most successful strategies, and tools for engaging communities of color, here defined as people of African, Latino or Hispanic, Native American, Asian, or Pacific Island descent.
Toolkit | Elder Abuse, Family Justice Center, Stalking | Download |
Elder abuse in Indian country |
This webinar, presented by the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, explores elder abuse in Indian Country, as well as best practices to detect and investigate it (2017).
Webinar | Elder Abuse, Rural, Tribal Issues, Victims | Download |
A day in the life of an APS worker in rural America |
This article examines the role of APS workers in rural America, the extensive problem of elder abuse and neglect, and the difficulty of investigating these crimes in rural areas (2017).
Blog | Advocacy, Elder Abuse, Personal Stories, Rural, Victims | Download |
The Lethality Assessment Program: Which Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Are Most Likely to Participate? |
This paper analyzes the differential use of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) across female survivors of IPV in four police jurisdictions in Oklahoma (2016).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology | Download |
Sexual Assault Case Management |
This case management assessment details the number of sexual assaults per year in one's jurisdiction, as well as how to best investigate cases.
Advocacy, Elder Abuse, Interviews | Download | |
Rural Domestic & Sexual Abuse Program Advocates: Making a Difference in the Lives of Older Survivors of Abuse |
This paper provides rural domestic and sexual abuse service programs with possible resources and tools to effectively respond to elder abuse. Definitions of elder abuse are given, as well as ideas and perspectives for serving older victims (September 2013).
Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Rural, Technology | Download | |
Responses from the Field: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, & Policing |
This research is comprised of narratives from government officials, advocates, and service providers with a link to domestic and sexual violence. The purpose of this collection is to help develop and implement future policy (October 2015).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Home Visitation, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution | Download |
Police Departments’ Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation |
Although calling the police is a common stategy used to help abused women, it is not usually deemed the most effective. This paper seeks to identify the strenghts of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP), and its effectiveness in police-responder intervention (July 2014).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology | Download |
Missing Voices: Patterns of Battered Women’s Satisfaction with the Criminal Legal System |
This research explores IPV survivors' patterns of satisfaction with the criminal legal system response. Implications for improving the criminal legal system response to survivors of IPV are discussed (February 2002).
Report | Advocacy, Aquatic Crimes, Children, DV Awareness Month, Elder Abuse, Expert Witnesses, FRTs, High Risk Team, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Prosecution, Technology | Download |
Intimate Partner Violence in Rural America |
Despite the alarming rates of IPV across the U.S., women in rural areas face obstacles that impair their ability to get help. Lack of an adequate health care and criminal justice system are barriers for these victims of domestic violence. This study examines the many challenges that rural victims face, and how to create a coordinated, systemic change in rural America (March 2015).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Interviews, Military, Prosecution, Rural, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology | Download |
Guidance on the Use of Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) During the Administration of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) |
This document covers the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence on the use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement during the Lethality Assessment Program. Following the research, the report concluded that LE not record any part of the LAP (June 2016).
Report | Children, Elder Abuse, Immigration, Technology, Technology Safety Awareness Month | Download |
Domestic Violence by Police Officers |
This IACP survey is for police departments/chiefs to respond to domestic violence incidents caused by a member of their own police force.
TTA Agency | Children, Elder Abuse | Download |
Domestic Violence & Protection Orders |
This agency self-assessment discusses protection orders and what to do with the victims/offenders involved.
Children, Elder Abuse | Download | |
Domestic Violence & Firearms |
This departmental self-assessment accounts for firearms with regard to on-scene calls and investigation.
Children, Elder Abuse, Stalking Awareness Month | Download | |
Department Response to Stalking |
This survey details the number of stalking cases per year in one's specific department, and how to best help victims of stalking escape/safety plan.
Elder Abuse, Investigation | Download | |
Control Wheel for Elder Abuse |
Graphic | Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month | Download | |
Community Policing & Family Violence Against Women: Lessons Learned from a Multiagency Collaborative |
This report analyzes the process of a multiagency collaborative involving a large, municipal police department and other service providers as an attempt to find meaningful solutions to family violence against women in a southwestern metropolitan area (2001).
Report | Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Military, Technology | Download |
Collaborative Effort & the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Training Toward Resolving Domestic Violence |
This project was funded by the National Institute of Justice to combat violence against women in Texas. Components of this research included introducing researchers as academic resources for the collaborative in the area of domestic violence theory. Additionally, the project monitored the process of inter-agency collaboration in DV work, and provided an evaluation of the effects of inter-agency DV training (January 2002).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Interviews, Mental Health, Military | Download |
Collaboration Between Federal & Local Law Enforcement: An Examination of Texas Police Chiefs’ Perceptions |
This paper examines a sample of Texas police chiefs concerning their perceptions of the level of collaboration that is occurring between their respective departments and federal agencies (October 2011).
Report | Children, Elder Abuse, Home Visitation, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Mental Health, Military | Download |
Citations & Convictions: One Community’s Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence & Efforts toward Offender Accountability |
This research discusses the effectiveness of a coordinated community response in a mid-sized Midwestern city (May 2015).
Report | Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Military | Download |
Change & Continuity in Crime in Rural America |
This paper details what is known about rural crime and suggests likely issues for the future. The authors make the distinction between the reality of rural versus urban crime, and the obstacles that face both of them.
Elder Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Military | Download | |
Blueprint to Guide Development of Domestic Violence Protocols |
This guide provides blueprints and details for protocols involving victims of domestic violence (2006).
Report | Advocacy, Children, Elder Abuse, Military | Download |
A Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence |
This paper chronicles the Duluth Project, which is a pioneer in coordinated community responses to domestic violence and sexual assault. The Duluth Project is a system of networks, agreements, and applied principles created by the local shelter movement, criminal justice agencies, and human services programs developed in northern Minnesota (January 1997).
Report | Advocacy, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Elder Abuse, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Immigration Awareness Month, Military, Prosecution, Technology | Download |