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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Center for Victim Research 
This website provides tools, training, and featured research surrounding crimes against women from a victim-centered perspective.  
TTA Agency Advocacy, Children, Interviews, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Technology March 14, 2023
Understanding & responding to adolescent intra-family domestic battery
This BWJP webinar explains the difference between adolescent domestic battery and intimate partner violence, and the need for an alternative system and treatment response to this issue (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Campus Safety Awareness Month, CCR March 14, 2023
Family based violence & young women: Unintended consequences
This BWJP webinar provides a particular focus on girls charged with any home-based assault (simple assault, domestic battery, assault against as family member) to understand the context of those offenses and how supporting girls and their families can avoid their arrests and detentions (2019).
TTA Agency Campus Safety Awareness Month, CCR, Stalking March 14, 2023
Combatting cyber violence against women & girls: Understanding its origin & impact on survivors
This BWJP webinar focuses on how sexual violence manifests in cyberspace, including non-consensual distribution of pornography and sextortion (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Mental Health, Offenders March 14, 2023
Coercive control: Practical implications
This BWJP webinar introduces coercive control as a practical model to improve assessment with women and children and as a political model to address violence against women as a “liberty crime" (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, CCR, Stalking March 14, 2023
An overview & evaluation of classifying types of intimate partner violence
This BWJP webinar provides an introduction to and overview of Johnson's typology, including a critical evaluation and discussion of how it can be applied in research and practice based on current research. It also discusses findings from a study that evaluates different methods for identifying coercive control and classifying the types of violence in research (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, CCR March 14, 2023
What puts survivors at increased risk for suicide & how to help
This article discusses the prevalence of suicidality among survivors of sexual assault, and provides risks and warning signs (2018).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Immigration Awareness Month, Mental Health, Tribal Issues March 14, 2023
Victim service provider resources
The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) provides these resources for victim service providers, recognizing that they play a vital role in the intervention and response to stalking (2019).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Collaboration, Stalking, Stalking Log March 14, 2023
Trauma, sexual assault, & eating disorders
This article discusses the connection between sexual assault and eating disorders. Though eating disorders have complex roots and triggers, professinals often hear that sexual assault acts as a catalyst for developing an eating disorder (2014).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Immigration, Mental Health March 14, 2023
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
TAASA is committed to ending sexual violence in Texas through education, prevention, and advocacy.  This organization is the voice of the sexual assault movement in Texas.
TTA Agency Sexual Assault Awareness Month March 14, 2023
Rural community toolbox
This website offers various federal resources that can help rural communities become strong, healthy, prosperous, and resilient places to live and work (Uploaded 2020).
TTA Agency LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking February 22, 2023
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network
RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline.
TTA Agency Sexual Assault Awareness Month February 22, 2023
Protective orders, domestic violence convictions, & firearms
This BWJP PowerPoint details the types of protective orders in Texas, and how to ensure victims receive the necessary protective order from their abusers (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, CCR, Investigation, Prosecution, Religion February 22, 2023
Police response to violence against women
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) provides a resource library for police response to violence against women, which includes tools, policies, and resources to assist law enforcement in responding effectively to human trafficking, sexual assault, domestic and sexual violence by police officers, stalking, strangulation, domestic violence, and other crimes of intimate partner violence (2019).
TTA Agency DV, Human Trafficking, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Strangulation, Systemic Change February 22, 2023
Obstetric violence
This website offers a graphic detailing the intersection of institutional violence and violence against women, as it pertains to obstetric violence. The site also details patterns of obstetric violence, and statistics from several countries (2014).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Body Cams, Burnout, Mental Health February 22, 2023
NNEDV Technology Safety
This NNEDV program explores technology in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and violence against women.
TTA Agency Technology, Technology Safety Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
NSVRC provides leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaborating, sharing and creating resources, and promoting research.
TTA Agency Sexual Assault Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Network to End Domestic Violence
NNEDV offers support to victims of domestic violence through cross-sector collaborations and corporate partnerships.  It also provides training, technical assistance, and innovative programs to victims and the public.
TTA Agency DV, DV Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
The NNIRR works to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status. 
TTA Agency Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Institute of Mental Health
NIMH is the lead federal agency for research on all mental disorders, and seeks to pave the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.
TTA Agency Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Children’s Advocacy Center
The NCAC models, promotes, and delivers excellence in child abuse response and prevention through service, education, and leadership. Since its inception, the NCAC has served as a model for the 950+ CACs operating around the world. 
TTA Agency Child Abuse Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Child Abuse Coalition
The NCAC seeks to prevent child abuse, neglect, and maltreatment before families come to the attention of the child welfare or CPS systems.
TTA Agency Child Abuse Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Center on Elder Abuse
The NCEA serves as a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder abuse. The organization disseminates elder abuse information to professionals and the public, and provides training to states and community organizations.
TTA Agency Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Center for Trauma-Informed Care
NCTIC works to improve public behavioral health services to consumers and trauma survivors. The organization provides technical assistance, education, outreach, and resources to support a wide range of service systems.
TTA Agency Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Center for PTSD
This website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, provides resources and services for individuals diagnosed with PTSD (2019).
TTA Agency Animal Abuse, Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month February 22, 2023
National Center for Domestic Violence, Trauma, & Mental Health
The National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health provides training, support, and consultation to advocates, mental health and substance abuse providers, legal professionals, and policymakers as they work to improve agency and systems-level responses to survivors and their children.
TTA Agency Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month February 22, 2023
International Justice Mission
IJM is a global organization that seeks to eliminate the slave trade everywhere. Staff is comprised of investigators, prosecutors, data analysts, and law enforcement who work in several countries to free those enslaved in human trafficking.
TTA Agency Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month February 22, 2023
Human Trafficking Institute
The Human Trafficking Institute empowers police and prosecutors to stop traffickers. HTI works inside criminal justice systems and provides the embedded experts, world-class training, investigative resources, and evidence-based research necessary to free victims.
TTA Agency Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month February 21, 2023
Domestic Violence high Risk Team Resources
This resource list from the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center includes publications and articles for professionals working with victims of intimate partner violence (Uploaded 2020).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Alcohol/Drugs, CCR, Sexual Assault, Stalking February 2, 2023
Domestic Violence (IACP)
This IACP webpage offers free resources for domestic violence policies and best practices for a coordinated community response to the issue (2019).
TTA Agency CCR, Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault, Stalking February 2, 2023
Court Appointed Special Advocates
CASA supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child in the U.S. can be safe.
TTA Agency Child Abuse Awareness Month February 2, 2023
Clery Center
The Clery Center is a national nonprofit dedicated to helping college and university officials meet the standards of the Jeanne Clery Act. By equipping professionals with the training and resources they need to understand compliance requirements, they strive to make campus safety a universal reality.
TTA Agency Campus Safety, Campus Safety Awareness Month February 1, 2023
Greater Newburyport Domestic Violence High Risk Team
This document discusses the Greater Newburyport DV High Risk Team, which is comprised of allied professionals working together to identify the most dangerous cases of DV and implement interventions to prevent cases from escalating to fatal levels (December 2013).
TTA Agency Advocacy, Animal Abuse, Child Abuse Awareness Month, Children, Military, Prosecution January 27, 2023
Domestic Violence by Police Officers
This IACP survey is for police departments/chiefs to respond to domestic violence incidents caused by a member of their own police force.
TTA Agency Children, Elder Abuse January 27, 2023
Checklist to promote perpetrator accountability in dependency cases involving domestic violence
This extensive checklist provides assistance to judges, in order for them to enhance decision-making, tailor service plans to hold perpetrators accountable, evaluate perpetrator treatment options, etc.
TTA Agency DV, Judges, Offender Accountability, Offenders, Prosecution January 25, 2023