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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Sexual Assault Roll Call
ICCR Webinar: Sexual Assault Roll Call presented by Kristin Daley & Kenny Smith.
Webinar Law Enforcement, Rural, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Digital Storm: Offenders Use of Technology to Stalk Victims
ICCR Webinar: Digital Storm: Offenders Use of Technology to Stalk Victims & Overcoming Investigative Roadblocks presented by Kelly Downey.
Webinar Law Enforcement, Offenders, Stalking, Stalking Awareness Month, Technology, Technology Abuse
Exposing What’s Concealed
ICCR Webinar: Exposing What's Concealed: Leveraging existing federal statues to increase victim safety and offender accountability presented by John Guard.
Webinar Law Enforcement, Legislation, Offender Accountability, Victims
Mindfulness in Multi-Disciplinary Teams
ICCR Webinar: Mindfulness in Multi-Disciplinary Teams presented by Justin Boardman.
Webinar CCR, Law Enforcement
Hand in Hand: Law Enforcement Serving in Order to Protect
ICCR Webinar: Hand in Hand: Law Enforcement Serving in Order to Protect presented by Denise Jones.
Webinar Law Enforcement, Rural
Bridging the Gap: Law Enforcement and Advocacy Collaboration
ICCR Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Law Enforcement and Advocacy Collaboration presented by Misty Biddick & Jerry Meadors.
Webinar Advocacy, CCR, Law Enforcement
Creating Stability Within High Risk IPV Interventions Using Risk Assessments
This presentation will focus on the impact of how using a risk assessment tool will provide stability and sustainability with High Risk IPV Intervention Programs in rural and underserved communities.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Law Enforcement, Risk Assessment/LAP
Hand in Hand: Law Enforcement Serving in Order to Protect
There is an unspoken expectation that if a victim reports a crime, that the victim must definitely participate in the investigation and conviction of that crime. However, what is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, or simply forgotten is that victims endure many mental, physical, and systemic barriers that impede their ability to cooperate with law enforcement and other purveyors of criminal justice. It is vital that officers recognize these obstacles and have strategies in place to circumvent these complications in order to support victims and carry out effective investigations. This webinar will explore the reasons why victims cannot/do not participate, how to work cases without victims, and to highlight the importance of victim advocacy.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Law Enforcement
Bridging the Gap: Law Enforcement & Advocacy Collaboration
This presentation will discuss building a successful partnership between community advocates and law enforcement agencies in order to address intimate partner violence. The presenters will discuss the roles of law enforcement and community-based advocates in the response to intimate partner violence (IPV) crimes, specifically in rural areas. The presentation will also discuss the building blocks of creating a positive relationship between law enforcement, advocates and police culture regarding advocacy. The presentation will also highlight common challenges and solutions involving information sharing that may occur between advocates and law enforcement and give helpful suggestions for building and maintaining the vital relationships between first responders and advocates regarding intimate partner violence.
Webinar Advocacy, Collaboration, Law Enforcement
Investigating & Prosecuting High Risk Cases: A Focus on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence and Strangulation
Every year, 3-4 million women in the U.S. are abused by an intimate partner, and as many as 1,600 are killed by their abusers. Identifying the level of danger facing a victim is a persistent challenge. Several factors are associated with an increased risk of homicide—in particular, the co-occurrence of sexual violence and strangulation. Trauma-informed investigations and evidence-based prosecutions are essential to the identification of these co-occurring crimes, safety planning with survivors, and offender accountability.  This webinar will focus on the signs and symptoms of strangulation injury; common dynamics and prevalence of intimate partner sexual violence; and the importance of documentation, safety planning, and collaboration with advocates and medical experts. The presenter will discuss risk factors and assessment, as well as investigative and legal considerations in these cases.
Webinar Investigation, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Strangulation
Project ReVEAL
This webinar will explain Project ReVEAL: Recording victim video statements as evidence to advance legal outcomes in family violence cases.
Webinar Family Justice Center, Interviews, Law Enforcement, Media, Victims
Law enforcement’s role in supporting crime victim access to compensation
This CCAW workshop, presented by Fred Fletcher and Caroline Huffaker, discusses available resources and strategies for improving law enforcement’s knowledge and understanding of crime victim compensation as well as real-world examples of how the program works (2019).
Roll Call Training Law Enforcement, Victims
Police response to violence against women
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) provides a resource library for police response to violence against women, which includes tools, policies, and resources to assist law enforcement in responding effectively to human trafficking, sexual assault, domestic and sexual violence by police officers, stalking, strangulation, domestic violence, and other crimes of intimate partner violence (2019).
TTA Agency DV, Human Trafficking, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Strangulation, Systemic Change
Episode 10: Why doesn’t she leave? An officer’s perspective on domestic violence
Our guest today is Mark Wynn, 21-year member of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department who served as Lieutenant to the Domestic Violence Division and as a member of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team for fifteen years. A trainer, advocate and specialist in the field of domestic violence for law enforcement, Mark Wynn is the recipient of no less that 121 commendations and 51 awards for his work, including the 1995 National Improvement of Justice Award and the 1998 Nashvillian of the Year Award. Content warnings for this episode include: physical violence and abuse (2020).
Podcast DV, Law Enforcement, Systemic Change, Victims
Collaborating to address trafficking in rural communities: Lessons from the field
This Futures Without Violence webinar focuses on trafficking in rural areas, and how collaboration can facilitate more effective investigations and prosecution. (2016).
Webinar Collaboration, Human Trafficking, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Rural
Barriers to help seeking for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & queer survivors of intimate partner violence
This document suggests three major barriers to seeking help for LGBTQ+ survivors of IPV (2015).
Report Advocacy, DV, Law Enforcement, LGBTQ+