Resource Library
Title | ||||
What is the link? |
This post discusses the link between animal abuse and domestic abuse, and provides suggestions for professional intervention (Uploaded 2018).
Blog | Collaboration, DV Awareness Month | Download |
The power of probation |
This article provides an explanation of probation officers' powers, as well as benefits for abuse survivors once their abuser is put on probation (2017).
Blog | DV Awareness Month, LGBTQ+ | Download |
The link: Domestic violence & animal abuse |
This article states that 50-75% of female DV survivors with pets reported the animals were threatened, harmed, or killed by the abuser. By understanding the connection between animal abuse and domestic violence, professionals can help survivors more effectively (2017).
Blog | Collaboration, DV Awareness Month | Download |
The intersections of disability & violence |
This article explores the facts behind abuse towards people with disabilities, and how it can differ from abuse among non-disabled individuals (2018).
Blog | Body Cams, DV, DV Awareness Month | Download |
Teen dating violence |
This fact page provides information on teen dating violence, and what laws exist to prevent it in each state (2017).
Blog | Homicide, Personal Stories | Download |
Remote controlled: Domestic abuse through technology |
This article reports on the various techniques used to abuse victims digitally when they are not present in the home or nearby area. Because of new apps and integrated platforms, abusers can now control thermostats, televisions, music, and lights, all from a distance using a cell phone (2018).
Blog | DV, Offenders, Stalking, Technology | Download |
Quick guide: Domestic violence & sexual abuse |
This short article provides details about the intersection between domestic violence and sexual abuse, giving several statistics as well as external resource links (2018).
Blog | DV, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Download |
Domestic violence called ‘latest battleground’ in tribal justice |
This report summarizes the jurisdictional issues facing tribal courts after the 2013 reauthorization of VAWA, primarily in DV cases involving non-Native Americans (2018).
Blog | Animal Abuse, DV Awareness Month, Juries, Personal Stories, Risk Assessment/LAP | Download |
Domestic violence & the LGBTQ community |
This NCADV resource provides information and statistics on LGBTQ victims of domestic violence, highlighting that abuse exists everywhere, regardless of sexual orientation.
Blog | Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Mental Health | Download |
During Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month #TDVAM, we want to highlight statistics of adolescent victims in #rural areas to raise awareness of this terrifying reality they face. Want to know more? Stay tuned for an upcoming webinar announcement… |
This post examines the various religious barriers that inhibit victims from seeking help, including traditional gender roles, misused Bible verses, and emphasis on suffering (2016).
Blog | DV Awareness Month, Specialized Courts | Download |
Abuse & Mental Illness: Is there a connection? |
This article dispels the myth that abusers harm their partners because they are suffering from a mental illness. While mental illness can play a role in abusive relationships, the author states that abusive behavior and mental illness are two separate entities in an intimate partner relationship (2015).
Blog | Advocacy, DV, Mental Health, Offenders | Download |
A Rural Barrier |
This article focuses on isolation as the core barrier facing victims of domestic violence in rural areas. The study uses evidence from several nationwide reports on rural domestic violence (2015).
Blog | Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Rural, Sexual Assault | Download |
A day in the life of an APS worker in rural America |
This article examines the role of APS workers in rural America, the extensive problem of elder abuse and neglect, and the difficulty of investigating these crimes in rural areas (2017).
Blog | Advocacy, Elder Abuse, Personal Stories, Rural, Victims | Download |
Mental health consequences & risk factors of physical intimate partner violence |
This study focuses solely on physical IPV by males, and addresses the mental health consequences faced by victims (2016).
Blog | DV, Mental Health, Victims | Download |
Pregnant women are at increased risk of domestic violence in all cultural groups |
This article examines domestic violence in relation to pregnancy, showing that women having a subsequent child are more likely to disclose violence than first-time mothers. The paper also details how abuse varies among various ethnic groups (2018).
Blog | Body Cams, DV Awareness Month, Prostitution | Download |