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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

The Safe Shelter Collaborative
The Safe Shelter Collaborative allows advocates to communicate with each other to determine where there are available beds. If no space is available, a request for funding for a night at a hotel can be sent out through the associated app, SafeNight (2019).
Service Provider Advocacy, Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Collaboration, Victims
Texas Elder Abuse & Mistreatment Institute
The TEAM Institute strives to improve and protect the lives of mistreated elders through clinical care and forensic assessment, education, research and justice.
Service Provider Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month
Texas Council on Family Violence
TCFV is a membership organization that includes survivors, DV service providers, business professionals, faith communities, and concerned individuals.
Service Provider DV, DV Awareness Month
Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center
This website offers resources to professionals and victims, ensuring everyone has the specialized knowledge to identify and respond to the crime of stalking (Uploaded 2018).
Service Provider Stalking Awareness Month
Refugee & Immigrant Center for Education & Legal Services
RAICES promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas.
Service Provider Immigration, Immigration Awareness Month
Polaris Project
Polaris is a leader in the global fight to eradicate trafficking. This organization puts victims at the center of what they do, and leverages data and technology to pursue traffickers.
Service Provider Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Awareness Month
One Love Foundation
One Love is the national leader in educating young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships and empowering them to be leaders of change.
Service Provider Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
The National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative addresses the lack of culturally-appropriate information and materials on elder abuse and exploitation in Indian Country (Uploaded 2019).
Service Provider Animal Abuse, Elder Abuse Awareness Month
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NCADV strives to be the voice of victims and survivors.  Staff works to affect public policy, increase public awareness, and provide programs and education to drive change.
Service Provider DV, DV Awareness Month
Love is Respect
Love is Respect provides highly-trained advocates who offer support, information, and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships.
Service Provider Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Break the Cycle
Break the Cycle encourages young people ages 12-24 to build healthy relationships and create a culture without abuse.
Service Provider Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month