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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Rural Collaborations to End Teen Dating Violence
ICCR Webinar: Rural Collaborations to End Teen Dating Violence presented by D Dagondon Tiegs & Jessica Moreno.
Webinar Rural, Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
What About Youth? Engaging Young People in Relationship Violence Prevention
ICCR Webinar: What About Youth? Engaging Young People in Relationship Violence Prevention presented by Kaiti Dinges.
Webinar Children, Sexual Assault, Teen Dating Violence
Rural Collaborations to End Teen Dating Violence
Collaborative efforts are essential to end teen dating violence. While many collaborative teams and service providers were initially created with adult survivors in mind, it’s important to understand the unique needs and barriers young survivors face. This session will help collaborative teams assess readiness for working with and serving youth, and includes tools, reflection questions, and suggested protocols for collaborative, community-based efforts to address teen dating violence in rural communities. Special attention is given to meaningful integration of young people into collaborative work.
Webinar Collaboration, Rural, Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
What About Youth? Engaging Young People in Relationship Violence Prevention
Did you know that 1 in 3 teens will experience dating violence each year? In this webinar, Jana’s Campaign will provide background on teen dating violence, briefly discuss obligations K-12 schools and colleges have to address these issues, and describe how communities can better help teens recognize unhealthy relationship behaviors and promote healthy relationships. Attendees will leave with innovative ideas about preventing teen dating violence and working with young people to do so.
Webinar Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Episode 9: Working with teens
Our guest today is Jordyn Lawson, senior director of Residential Services at Genesis Women's Shelter & Support. Ms. Lawson supervises both the emergency shelter and Annie's House transitional living program at the organization and has worked in the field of domestic violence and trauma recovery for over 12 years, conducting individual and group counseling services for women, adolescents, and children. She has a passion for ending domestic violence and helping those who have experienced the pain of trauma heal and grow. Content warnings for this episode include: physical and emotional abuse (2020).
Podcast Advocacy, DV, Teen Dating Violence
Abuse: The Dark Side of Dating on Campus
This article focuses on the negative reality of many teen and college relationships, including stalking, sexual assault, and dating violence (2017).
Report Campus Safety, Campus Safety Awareness Month, DV, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence
The need for school-based teen dating violence prevention
This document presents a case for the inclusion of teen dating violence prevention programs in middle and high schools (2013).
Report Children, Systemic Change, Teen Dating Violence
Technology, teen dating violence & abuse, & bullying
This project expands knowledge about the types of violence and abuse experiences youth have via technology, and how the experience of such cyber abuse within teen dating relationships or through bullying relates to other life factors (2013).
Report Technology, Teen Dating Violence
Rural survivors and economic security
This policy brief focuses on rural survivors of domestic and sexual violence and how the characteristics of rural life have an effect on the survivor's ability to be economically secure and access safety (2013).
Report DV, Rural, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence
Recognizing, treating, & preventing trauma in LGBTQ youth
This article provides an overview of trauma as well as experiences of traumas specific to LGBTQ youth (2017).
Report LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Systemic Change, Technology, Teen Dating Violence
Recent developments: Domestic violence in the digital age: Towards the creation of a comprehensive cyberstalking statute
The authors discuss the current state of criminal cyberstalking statutes at the state and federal levels (2013).
Report DV, Legislation, Stalking, Technology, Teen Dating Violence
Must be 18 or older: How current domestic violence policies dismiss teen dating violence
This article argues that the current juvenile justice system needs to deal with teen abusers by recognizing the causes of dating violence and ending that behavior before they reach adulthood (2015).
Academic Article Legislation, Teen Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
LGBTQ issues in teen dating violence
This fact sheet reports on the issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in teen dating violence relationships (Uploaded 2018).
Report DV, LGBTQ+, Teen Dating Violence
Intimate partner violence among LGBTQ+ college students
This document provides the rates and patterns of IPV among LGBTQ+ and responses by collegiate institutions (2014).
Report Campus Safety, DV, LGBTQ+, Teen Dating Violence
Dating violence experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth
This paper examines physical, psychological, sexual, and technological dating violence experiences among LGBTQ+ youth as compared to heterosexual youth.
Academic Article DV, LGBTQ+, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Technology, Teen Dating Violence
A campus LGBTQ community’s sexual violence & stalking expriences: The contribution of a pro-abuse peer support
This article presents data on ways in which negative peer support contributes to sexual violence and stalking in a campus LGBTQ community (2017).
Report Advocacy, Campus Safety, DV, LGBTQ+, Offenders, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence