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Resource Library

This Resource Library is affiliated with ICCR and NTCCAW and includes topics that are beneficial to all CCAW programs.

Navigating the Texas State Plan
ICCR Webinar: Navigating the Texas state plan presented by Molly Voyles & Bethany Backes.
Webinar DV, Legislation, Texas Specific
Advocating for Policy Change
This webinar defines Legislative Advocacy and offers a deep understanding of the Texas Legislative process in order to teach various methods of advocating.
Webinar Advocacy, Legislation, Texas Specific
Battering Intervention & Prevention Programs: Services for DV Offenders
This webinar highlights strategic prevention efforts to family violence through battering intervention programs.
Webinar DV, DV Awareness Month, Offender Accountability, Offenders, Texas Specific
Navigating the Texas State Plan
This webinar takes an in depth approach to the Texas State Plan on combatting family violence.
Webinar Texas Specific
Community policing & victim services in Texas
This report explains how community policing may enhance services to victims by defining community policing (2011).
Report Advocacy, Bystander Intervention, Bystanders, Collaboration, DV, Texas Specific